
  • 网络natural frequency;Intrinsic Vibration Frequency
  1. 方程(4-198)给出了一级近似下的固有振动频率的改变量。

    Equation ( 4-198 ) yields a first approximation for the change in the natural frequency of vibration .

  2. 通过软件对各种旋转机械转子的叶片、叶轮和轴进行了振动分析,得出其固有振动频率和相应的振型。

    The natural frequency and corresponding mode were obtained by analysis of vibration for the blade , impeller and shaft .

  3. 第2部分.给出了网架固有振动频率的拟夹层板法算法和ANSYS模态分析算法。

    Part 2 . Equivalent sandwich plate and ANSYS modal analysis are used in the calculation of free vibration .

  4. 在考虑了汽车固有振动频率及行驶速度后,利用该方法对A、E两个等级的公路路面进行数值仿真。

    Considering the effect of the vehicle natural vibration frequency and velocity , the simulation and analysis are done on A , E-the two grades of road using this method .

  5. 通过与用Galerkin法得到的精确解进行的对比表明,利用该修正方程能较准确地计算出斜拉索的面内固有振动频率和固有振型。

    Compared with the exact results obtained by a Galerkin method , it is shown that the modified Irvine equations can be used to calculate the in-plane natural frequencies and modal shapes of inclined cables .

  6. 空间框架&剪力墙体系固有振动频率的计算

    Calculation of Fundamental Vibrational Frequency for Space frame-shear Wall Systems

  7. 钻柱的纵向固有振动频率

    Longitudinal inherent vibration frequency of drill rod - column

  8. 给出了预应力网架固有振动频率的分解刚度法,推导出预应力网架频率计算公式。

    The frequency formula of prestressed reinforce double layer space grids is deduced .

  9. 某型航空发动机销钉式叶片固有振动频率的有限元计算

    Natural Vibration Frequency Evaluation for Aero-engine Pin-fixed Blade

  10. 介绍了一种悬臂梁结构固有振动频率的计算机测试系统。

    A computer testing system developed to analyze the inherent vibration frequency of cantilever structure is described .

  11. 得到了加载后的偏移、固有振动频率、振形等。

    At the same time , we can get the offset , inherent frequency after loading and vibration form .

  12. 减振器的安装会改变拉索的振动形状,提高拉索的固有振动频率。

    The installation of the vibration damper can change the cable vibration mode and improve the natural vibration frequency .

  13. 最后,对电磁力激发下的动力响应方程进行了解析求解,并通过数值计算,分别得到了端部绕组的固有振动频率、电磁力分布及动力响应8计算结果。

    Finally , natural vibration , electro-magnetic force distribution and dynamic response of end winding are calculated by numerical method .

  14. 第三,对刀具系统做有限元模态分析,确定了刀具系统的固有振动频率。

    Thirdly , mode of tool system are analyzed with the advanced nonlinear FEM technology and natural vibration frequencies are calculated .

  15. 本文用有限元法分析了柯氏力对桨叶旋转面固有振动频率的影响。

    The influence of coriolis force on the natural frequencies of the rotor blades is analysed by the finite element method .

  16. 提出的实验方法可以用于预报类似柔性结构体系的固有振动频率。

    The method presented in this paper can be used to predict the natural frequencies of the similar flexible structural system .

  17. 分析了人行桥模型在桥上人数改变的情况下,其固有振动频率发生变化情况。

    Analyzed the changing conditions of inherent frequency of the footbridge model on the cases of changing number of people . 2 .

  18. 提出了一种用于计算行波超声马达带齿定子固有振动频率的解析算法。

    This paper presents a new method to calculate the natural frequencies of a travel - ling wave type ultrasonic motor stator with teeth .

  19. 建立固有振动频率和颤振阻尼对结构参数的敏度公式,设计两种不同优化问题的数学模型。

    The sensitivity formulas about natural frequency and flutter damp to structure parameters were discussed , and the math models about optimization design were established .

  20. 计算出横梁的固有振动频率,为设计绘图仪中驱动绘图笔的直线电机工作频率提供参考。

    Calculates the vibration frequency inherence of the beam , offers the references for designing the working frequency of beeline electromotor which drives the plot pen .

  21. 电磁继电器触簧系统固有振动频率和极限加速度是衡量其力学环境防护性能的两个重要指标。

    Natural frequency and extreme vibration acceleration are the two major parameters that determine the protective performance of electromagnetic relay ( EMR ) under mechanics environment conditions .

  22. 通过对其结构参数优化,使其射击频率与结构固有振动频率匹配更加合理,实现其射击的动态稳定性。

    Through the structure parameter optimization , the matching between firing frequency and structure solid vibration frequency was more reasonable and the dynamic stability of firing was realized .

  23. 通过结构分析,得出制动器外部结构的应力、位移分布和大小;通过模态分析,得出制动器外部结构的固有振动频率和振型。

    The stress and displacement distribution of the caliper are got by the static analysis . Through Modal Analysis , this paper gain Nature Frequency and Mode Shape .

  24. 对液压机机身框架结构进行模态分析,求出其固有振动频率和相应振型,对于解决这个问题有重大的借鉴意义。

    It is a major reference to derive the inherent vibration frequency and the corresponding vibration mode by analyzing the hydraulic framework structure modal to solve the problem .

  25. 当琴身结构固有振动频率与琴弦振动频率耦合时,弦振声易产生声波持续时间长、且具有和弦音的效果。

    The playing sound of guitar will persist a long time and provide chord tone when the natural frequency of guitar structure couples well with that of the strings .

  26. 采用摄动法求得了其近似解,得到了载流梁在磁场中的横向固有振动频率及位移解析表达式。

    The perturbation method was employed to get the control equation 's approximate solution . The analytical expressions of beam 's natural lateral vibration frequency and displacement were derived .

  27. 深入分析了预应力以及变刚度对简支梁桥竖向固有振动频率的影响。

    Cy. Based on the calculation and testing , the influences of prestressing force and varying rigidity on vertical natural vibration frequencies of simply supported girder bridge are detailed .

  28. 通过有限元法计算得到了该梁在不同时刻点处的固有振动频率作为模拟比较的标准值。

    Secondly , the natural vibration frequencies of the beam at different time points are calculated with the finite element method as the standard values of the analog comparator .

  29. 分析认为,氧化锌晶须渗入在复材中将形成微观的阻尼结构,起到降低固有振动频率和增大衰减率的作用。

    By the analysis penetration of ZnOw into the compound board will compose a microscopic damping structure , which can reduce the vibration frequency and increase the damping ratio .

  30. 采用三弯矩法和解析法推导了连续梁的固有振动频率和振型函数,并对两种方法的计算结果进行了比较。

    The natural frequency and mode function of continues beam was deduced by three-bending - moment method and analytic method , and the results of two methods was contrasted .