
  1. 在强激光束产生的高能量致密等离子体,电子的简并使得我们必须考虑Fermi统计压力和Bohm势;由于强激光脉冲的作用,电子是相对论性。

    In high energy density plasmas produced by intense laser pulses , electrons are degenerated and obey the Fermi-Dirac distribution . The electron degeneracy leads to consider the Fermi statistics pressure and the quantum Bohm potential . Meanwhile , electrons are relativistic due to driving by intense laser pulses .

  2. 自由Dirac方程正、负宇称电子解的简并性可造成计算一级微拢能量的不确定性。

    Degeneracy of parity even and odd electron solutions of the free Dirac equation may cau - se uncertainties in first order calculation of the perturbative energy .

  3. 当该系统中存在一个外加磁场时,电子的自旋简并被破坏,分裂成两个能级,电子的整个隧穿过程可以用量子主方程(QuantumMasterequation)来描述。

    Once a magnetic field is applied to the system , the spin degeneracy is broken and the energy of the electron is cut into two energy levels . The whole tunnelling process of the electron through the quantum dot is described by quantum master equation .

  4. 通过计算散射区的分子自洽哈密顿量(MPSH)能谱,发现两种自旋电子能级不再简并,在外加偏压下纳米带出现自旋极化电流。

    By solving the energy spectrum of molecular self-consistent Hamiltonian ( MPSH ), we found the degeneracy between two spin components is broken , thus spin-polarized current will be generated under external bias .

  5. 数值计算表明,外加磁通对时间反演对称性和电子的谷简并性均有影响。

    The numerical results clearly suggest that the applied magnetic flux breaks the time reversal symmetry and lifts the valley degeneracy in graphene ring .

  6. 光学吸收谱随温度的变化分析可知是由吸收的漂移和在Hg0.83Mn0.17Te晶体有效电子质量和简并效应的变化所致。

    The temperature variation of the optical absorption curves is caused by drift of the absorption and as well as by changing the effects elective electron mass and degeneracy effects in the Hg_ ( 0.83 ) Mn_ ( 0.17 ) Te crystals .

  7. 从对称性出发,讨论了电子自旋对单电子体系能量简并的影响,并得出影响的一般规律。

    The influence that spin of an electron affects energy degeneracy of one-electron system is discussed from symmetry , and the general law of the influence is produced .