
  • 网络Electrochemical workstation
  1. 将Ni-W合金镀层在不同热处理工艺下进行热处理,通过显微硬度计、XRD、电化学工作站和光学显微镜等研究不同热处理工艺后镀层组织结构和性能的变化。

    The changes of the microstructure and properties of the coatings were discussed by microhardness , XRD , electrochemical workstation and optical microscopy .

  2. 利用电化学工作站,通过极化曲线、Tafel曲线、循环伏安曲线研究了镁离子对电沉积锌的影响机理。

    Magnesium ion on the impact of the mechanism of zinc electrodeposition was researched through the polarization curves , Tafel curve , cyclic voltammetry curves , using electrochemical workstation .

  3. 以电化学工作站研究了水溶液中Fe-Ni合金体系的阴极电沉积过程动力学,确定其电沉积反应的历程。

    Kinetics of cathode electrodeposition was investigated by electrochemistry station and the mechanism of electrodeposition reaction was determined .

  4. 利用电化学工作站和电池测试系统(BTS)对样品进行电化学性能研究。

    The samples ' electrochemical performance was studied by electrochemical workstation and battery test system ( BTS ) .

  5. 采用电化学工作站(CHI660A)监测p型硅电极在不同浓度HF溶液中的电流-电压特性,记录恒电流情况下硅电极的电压变化。这些曲线可从精确反映多孔硅形成的早期成核过程。

    I-V characteristics of p-type Silicon electrode in HF solutions with different concentrations and electrochemical potential transients under galvanostatic condition , which accurately reflect the early-stage nucleation process of PS , were monitored by the electrochemical workstation ( CHI660A ) .

  6. 使用电化学工作站测试了线性扫描阳极极化曲线及阳极氧化过程中的电流密度-时间(I-t)曲线;并使用场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM)对TiO2纳米管阵列进行微观形貌观察。

    The linear sweep anodic polarization curve and current density-time ( I-t ) curves were gained by means of electrochemical workstation . The morphology of TiO2 nanotube arrays was observed with the aid of field emission scanning electron microscope ( FE-SEM ) .

  7. 通过电化学工作站表征其电化学性能。

    The electrochemical performance can be measured by electrochemical work station .

  8. 利用电化学工作站测试掺硼金刚石膜的电化学特性。

    The electrochemical performance of BDD electrode was tested by electrochemical workstation .

  9. 与台式电化学工作站相比,该恒电位仪体积小,成本低。

    Compared to bench electrochemical workstation , the proposed potentiostat is much smaller and cheaper .

  10. 然后用多层钯催化剂对电极进行修饰,在电化学工作站中进行电化学测试。

    Then use the Multi-layer Pd-P catalyst to modify electrodes , and tests in electrochemical workstation .

  11. 利用CHI600A型电化学工作站,测试了不同物理状态下砂岩的阻抗谱。

    The impedance spectroscopy of sandstone was tested at different physical states by CHI600A electrochemical workstation .

  12. 利用电化学工作站和三电极体系测定了膜电极的电化学性能。

    Electrochemical work-station and three-electrodes tests were also carried out to measure the electrochemical performances of the membrane electrode .

  13. 所得PANI/GNS复合物用扫描电镜、透射电镜、傅里叶红外光谱仪、X-射线光电子能谱仪、热重分析仪、四探针电阻仪和电化学工作站进行了表征。

    The resulting PANI / GNS composites were characterized by using scanning electron microscopy , transmission electron microscopy , Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy , X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy , thermogravimetry , as well as electrical conductivity and electrochemical methods .

  14. 结合自行设计的张力电极、电解池系统和电化学工作站,实现了电化学信号激励下的坐汞滴/溶液的界面张力的实时、连续测量。

    Following results were obtained : By combining a home-made interfacial tension electrode , electrochemical cell and an electrochemical working station , in-situ and continuous interfacial tension curves at MDE / solution interface was obtained simultaneously with voltammetric curves .

  15. 刻蚀试验平台由三维运动平台、电化学工作站和数据处理中心等三部分组成,并且设计了工作电极的卡具和电解池。

    The experiment table for copper etching has three parts , a3-D motion platform , an electrochemical working center and a data processing center . Also , the fixture of the working electrode and the electrolytic cell were designed according to related requirements .

  16. 采用CS300P型电化学腐蚀工作站检测了梯度涂层的耐蚀性能。

    The corrosion resistance of the gradated coating was tested using CS300P electrochemical corrosion workshop .

  17. 测量结果表明该自动检测系统具有较高的精度和灵敏度,电化学测量系统可以代替成品电化学工作站进行差分脉冲阳极溶出伏安法测量。

    The results show that the automatic detection system has high accuracy and sensitivity . Electrochemical measurement system can replace electrochemical workstation for the measurement of differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry .