
  • 网络electrode life;life of electrode;electrode service life
  1. 熔敷TiC涂层提高了电极寿命原因是电极表面熔敷TiC涂层能阻碍电极与镀锌板之间的局部焊接以及减缓电极表面的合金化。

    The depositions of TiC extending the electrode life is because that the depositions of TiC layer can decrease local welding with the substrate and the galvanized layer of the sheets and slower the alloying speed of electrode tip .

  2. 目前国产Cu-Cr-Zr合金性能不稳定,用于镀层板及铝合金的点焊电极寿命很低。

    However , its electrode life in the welding of aluminum alloy and coated steels is extremely short because the rapid electrode wear , and the properties of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy made in our country are instable .

  3. 影响AB5型金属氢化物电极寿命的因素

    Factors Affecting the Cycle Life of AB_5 Type Hydride Electrode

  4. 恒定电流为0.3A,考察了煤浆浓度对电化学氧化性质及阳极氧化产品产率的影响,结果表明煤浆浓度越大,电化学氧化反应时间越少,电极寿命越短。

    Effect of coal slurries concentration was inspected on characteristics of electrochemical oxidation of coal slurries and yield of anodic oxidation products . Results showed that the coal slurries concentration was higher , the electrochemical oxidation reaction time and the electrode life were shorter .

  5. 铝合金电阻点焊电极寿命及其表面特征分析

    Electrode life and surface characteristics in resistance spot welding of aluminum

  6. 镀锌钢板点焊电极寿命预测

    Forecast of electrode life in spot welding of galvanized steel sheet

  7. 气体扩散层对空气电极寿命的影响

    Influence of gas diffusion layer on the life of air electrode

  8. 深冷处理的铝合金点焊电极寿命研究

    Study on deep cryogenic treatment electrode life for spot welding aluminum alloy

  9. 电极寿命超过200h。

    The electrode life was extended to more than 200 h.

  10. 深冷处理提高镀锌钢板点焊电极寿命的机理

    Mechanism of cryogenic treatment improving electrode life for spot welding zinc-coated steel sheet

  11. 电极寿命优于普通聚吡咯葡萄糖氧化酶电极。

    The electrode shows a longer life than an ordinary polypyrrole glucose oxidase electrode .

  12. 在电解液中加入聚乙烯醇,可以抑制锌枝晶生长,延长锌电极寿命;

    Adding PVA into electrolyte can inhibit dendrite growth of zinc and extend life of zinc electrode ;

  13. 表面渗钛的镀锌钢板点焊电极寿命试验研究

    Study on electrode life test for spot welding hot dip galvanized steel by method of surface titanizing

  14. 电极寿命超过39天,用混合溶液法测定了体液中可能存在的17种物质的选择性系数。

    The lifetime is over 39 d. Selectivity coefficients of 17 substances were determined by the mixed solution method .

  15. 热镀锌高强钢点焊的点蚀对电极寿命的影响中、高热镀锌光辉连续炉

    Effect of pitting on electrode life in spot welding hot galvanization steel with high strength continuous bright heat treat furnace

  16. 提出了一种新的提高镀锌钢板点焊电极寿命的方法,即深冷处理工艺。

    One new method to improve life of spot welding electrodes for galvanized steel sheets , cryogenic treat-ment , is presented .

  17. 而且,在此含量下,溶液中的电流密度随析氯电位以及析氧电位的变化率较小,电极寿命也最长。

    The variation rate of current density with voltage for chlorine and oxygen evolution is small and the electrode has a longest life at this Sn content .

  18. 分析了批量生产中聚乙烯型粘结式镍电极寿命短的原因,是由于镍电极化成时吸液量少造成的。

    It has been investigated that the reason of the short cycle life of polyethylene-bonded nickel battery was due to the inadequate electrolyte of nickel electrode in the process of formation .

  19. 在排除了制灯工艺不完善的因素以后,荧光灯的寿命取决于电极寿命,也就是电极的电子发射材料损失。

    Excluding the defects caused in lamp manufacturing , the life time of fluorescent lamps is de - termined by electrode life , which in turn by its electron-emission material loss .

  20. 为了研究采用不同焊接电源时,铝合金电阻点焊的电极寿命、电极头磨损行为及其对焊接质量的影响,运用图形分析方法对电极头磨损行为进行了定量分析。

    To analyze the characteristics of electrode degradation in resistance spot welding of aluminum with different weld powers , and its influence on weld quality , An imaging approach was developed based on the analysis of electrode life test results to quantitatively determine the status of electrode degradation .

  21. 对6种含有不同添加剂和组成的蓄电池负极,就电池充电接受能力、恒流放电特性、电极循环寿命、RH的含量及RH与PTFE联用等方面进行了试验。

    Six negative electrodes with different actives were studied by charge acceptance test , constant-current discharge test , cycle life test , RH content test and RH-PTFE cooperating utilization test .

  22. 为提高电极使用寿命采用分层电沉积方法制备了Ti/SnO2电极,通过SEM、原子力显微镜(AFM)测试表明,该方法制备的电极表面更加致密。

    A electrodeposition layer-by-layer was introduced to prepare Ti / SnO2 electrode in order to enhance service life of the electrodes . It exhibited that the electrode surface prepared by the method was more compact after characterized by SEM and Atomic Force Microscope ( AFM ) .

  23. 结果表明,含Zr合金硬度、软化温度虽略低,但导电、导热性却明显高于另一合金,而且制成的电极使用寿命也较长。

    The results show that compared with Cu-Co-Be-Ti alloy . Cu-Ni-Be-Zr alloy is of obviously higher heat and electric conductivity even if it 's hardness and softening temperature are slightly lower , and life of the electrode made of Cu-Ni-Be-Zr alloy is longer .

  24. 深冷处理可以提高Cu-Cr-Zr合金电极使用寿命,但目前对于有色金属深冷处理改善性能的机理还不十分清楚。

    Deep cryogenic treatment is a very effective method for improving the electrode life of aluminum and hot zinc coated steel . Yet , the mechanism of nonferrous properties improved by deep cryogenic treatment is not clear for certain nonferrous materials .

  25. 因此,本文通过试验的方法系统研究了深冷处理对Cu-Cr-Zr合金组织性能的影响,并从微观层次探讨了深冷处理提高Cu-Cr-Zr合金性能的机理及其提高电极使用寿命的微观机制。

    So based on the effect of deep cryogenic treatment on the microstructure and properties of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy , the mechanisms of properties improvement of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy and the electrode life improvement by deep cryogenic treatment is clarified in this thesis .

  26. 电极的寿命和安全很重要。

    The service life and safety of the electrodes are very important .

  27. 用电流波形控制法提高镀锌钢板点焊电极的寿命

    Improving electrode life of spot welding of galvanized steel by controlling current wave

  28. 聚乙烯型粘结镍电极电池寿命的改进

    The Improvement of Cycle Life of Polyethylene-bonded Nickel Battery

  29. 电极的寿命可达21天。

    The lifetime of the microelectrode is 21 d.

  30. 热镀锌钢板点焊的点蚀对电极使用寿命的影响

    Effect of pitting on electrode service life in spot welding hot galvanization steel plate