
  1. 高分子学科专业课程双语教学模式初探

    The Elementary Study on the Bilingual Teaching of the Major Courses of Polymeric Subject

  2. 依托高分子学科建有橡塑材料与工程教育部重点实验室。

    The Key Laboratory of Rubber-plastics , Ministry of Education was established with the backing of the School .

  3. 摘要将控制论的结构适应性原理引入高分子学科,解释了一些范德华力、氢键等化学基本理论未能恰当解释的聚合物溶解现象。

    Some phenomena of polymer solution , which can not be satisfactorily explained by such basic chemical theory as van der Waals force and hydrogen bond , are well interpreted by introducing the structrue adapability tenets of cybernetics into the branch of polymer .

  4. 超支化聚合物(HBP)是近年来高分子材料学科中的研究热点之一。

    Hyperbranched polymer ( HBP ) is one of the hot research spots in the polymer material fields in recent years .

  5. 材料与方法:高分子材料学科研究生教育的改革与实践

    Reform and practice on graduate teaching system of polymer materials

  6. 国家自然科学基金有机高分子材料学科八五重点项目的成果介绍与九五项目管理概况

    Achievement of Key Projects on Organic Polymeric Materials Granted by NSFC in 1992-1995 and

  7. 国家自然科学基金化学科学部高分子科学学科近况介绍

    On the Grant Programs on Polymer Science of Department of Chemical Science of National Natural Science Foundation of China

  8. 大分子自组装属于超分子化学和高分子科学的交叉学科,是当今化学与材料科学发展的前沿,也同时是孕育先进材料的摇篮。

    Macromolecular self-assembly is the inter-disciplinary of both Supramolecular Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry , is at the head of the development of chemistry as well as material science .

  9. 超支化高分子是近年来高分子学科研究的热点之一。由于其特殊的结构和由此引起的独特的物理化学性质,引起了人们的广泛的兴趣。

    Hyperbranched polymer has become one of the research focuses in polymer research field and attracted much attention in recent years because of its unique structure and properties .

  10. 对于高分子结晶的研究是高分子学科重要的研究方向。

    The study of polymer crystallization behavior is an important direction of the research in polymer discipline .

  11. 本文结合《功能高分子》双语课程的具体教学实践,对双语教学在高分子学科专业课程中的应用进行了研究与探讨。

    The use of Bilingual teaching in the major courses of polymeric subject is studied in this paper , combining concrete bilingual teaching practices of Functional Polymers .

  12. 外场对高分子体系作用影响的研究近年来已成为高分子材料成型加工工程、高分子物理、高分子化学等学科领域中的一个热点。

    The investigation of the effect of the external field on the polymer system has already become a hot point in polymer processing engineering , high polymer physics and high polymer chemistry , etc.