
  • 网络LAN;High Speed Local Network;Fast Ethernet;HLAN
  1. 据国际数据公司(IDC)调查,快速以太网的销售超过了其它高速局域网技术。

    Fast Ethernet sales are outpacing all other high-speed LAN technologies , according to International Data Corp.

  2. 其中一个重要的发展方向是将多台高性能的PC服务器通过高速局域网连接,在分布式并行操作系统的协调管理下构成分布式并行服务器来存储数据。

    It is an important direction to store data in a distributed server system , which is composed by several high-performance PCs connected by the high-speed LAN and managed by the distributed operating system .

  3. 高速局域网的简化CRMA协议性能分析

    Performance analysis of simplified cyclic reservation protocol for high speed local area network

  4. 提出了基于高速局域网(High-speedLocalAreaNetwork,HLAN)的CCD/SAR图像融合仿真平台的设计思想及实现方法,提出并解决了仿真平台实现中的关键问题。

    The design idea and implementation approach of a CCD / SAR image fusion simulation platform based on a high-speed Local Area Network ( HLAN ) are presented . The key problems confronted with in the development of the simulation platform are presented and well solved .

  5. DNS动态负载平衡技术采用了中心调度策略,分负载调度器和服务器池两层结构,DNS服务器与服务器池在同一个高速局域网内,由DNS服务器充当负载调度器。

    The DNS dynamic load balance technique adopted the center dispatch strategy , which has two tiers of load balancer , server pool . The DNS server is load balancer . DNS server and sever pool is in the same super-speed LAN .

  6. 分布式高速局域网互连模型

    The interconnect model of the distributed high - speed local network

  7. 基于高速局域网的融合及匹配仿真平台研发

    Implementation of CCD / SAR Image Fusion Simulation Platform Based on HLAN

  8. 介质存取控制方式的研究,对发展高速局域网具有重要意义。

    It is very important to the medium access control of LAN .

  9. 基于高速局域网的组合导航/制导仿真技术研究

    Study on Simulation Technology of Integrated Navigation / Guidance Based on High-Speed LAN

  10. 性能优越的高速局域网&FDDI

    ^ ^ A More Special High Speed Local Network-FDDI

  11. 一种多路访问多星型冲突避免高速局域网协议

    Multiple Collision Avoidance Broadcast Star ( M-CABS ) Network Protocol for High Speed LAN

  12. 塑料光纤在高速局域网中的应用

    Applications of POF in high speed LAN

  13. 参与实现高速局域网的用户和分析人员都知道这两种技术的优势。

    Users and analysts involved in implementing high-speed LANs have learned the benefits of each .

  14. 基于高速局域网的计算机制全息并行计算算法及实现

    A Parallel Algorithm for Computer-generated Hologram and It 's Realization Based on High-speed Local Area Network

  15. 构建防震减灾中心高速局域网的综合布线系统

    Integrate deploy - line system of conceiving high speed LAN of earthquake prevention and disaster relief center

  16. 它同时也是一种新的高速局域网通讯设备的名字。

    It was called FlowNet , and it was a new design for a high speed local area network .

  17. 酒店房间配有专线高速局域网接口,住宿客人可在房间免费上网。

    Free Internet access is available for forum participants in hotel rooms , which are equipped with high-speed private LAN interface .

  18. 提出了一种采用避免冲突开关的多路访问多星型高速局域网协议。

    A new protocol called the multiple collision avoidance broadcast star ( M-CABS ) network protocols for high speed LAN is proposed in this paper .

  19. 对近年来出现的几种高速局域网技术,如快速以太网、千兆以太网、交换式以太网等作了详细的介绍。

    This paper introduces several high speed LAN technology which are developed recent year , such as fast ethernet , switched LAN , gigabit ethernet , etc.

  20. 随着光纤通信和高速局域网等技术的应用,网络流量带宽和网络性能都有了大幅的提升,对网络安全监控技术也提出了新的要求。

    With the application of fiber optics communication and the technology of the high speed area net , the network bandwidth and function all had large promotion .

  21. 介绍了控制中心采用高速局域网和C/S数据库技术来实现协同处理、操作权限鉴别和控制调度。

    It also introduces the control center adopt high-speed LAN and C / S database technology realizing coordination processing , the operation jurisdiction distinction and the control dispatch .

  22. C/S分布式并行处理技术在高速局域网平台上实现非线性环境化学胞映射体系的大规模计算

    Application to Distributing , Parallel and Multithread Technology on 100Mb / s LAN Platform using C / S Mode for Large - scale Cell Mapping Computing of the Complex Nonlinear Environmental Chemistry System

  23. 讨论了在一个由高速局域网连接的高性能异构工作站平台上,如何有效地利用空闲工作站来求解计算密集型任务矩阵相乘的问题。

    An algorithm , which solves the cooperated concurrent computing tasks & matrix multiplication by using the idle cycle of a number of high performance heterogeneous workstations interconnected by a high speed network , is proposed .

  24. 近年来伴随着人们对带宽的需求越来越大,通信网中的骨干网和高速局域网不断升级,然而连接两者的接入网成为了整个网络的瓶颈。

    In recent years , associated with people growing demand for bandwidth , communication backbone network and high-speed LAN escalated , but the connection between communication backbone network and high-speed LAN had become the bottleneck of the total network .

  25. 随着网络带宽的增加和高速局域网的普及,已有网络取证系统由于数据捕获和分析能力的不足造成大量信息丢失,削弱了证据的说服力和法律效力。

    With the increasing of network bandwidth and the popularity of high-speed LAN ( local area network ), the existing network forensics system may have information loss as a result of lacking data capture and analysis capacity . This weakens the persuasion and force adeffect of the evidence .

  26. 基于OFDM的高速无线局域网标准IEEE802.11a的同步和信道估计方法

    Synchronization and Channel Estimation Algorithm for OFDM Based Wireless LAN Standard IEEE 802 . 11a

  27. 高速无线局域网中MIMO技术的研究

    Research on MIMO Technology of High Rate WLAN

  28. 在高速无线局域网通信领域中,Turbo乘积码和自适应编码调制是两项关键技术。

    Turbo product codes and adaptive coded modulation scheme are two key technologies in wireless LAN .

  29. 新一代超高速无线局域网的高吞吐量传输也对MAC层提出了新的挑战。

    High throughput transmission of the new generation WLAN also propose a new challenge to WLAN MAC layer .

  30. 高速无线局域网DCF机制下的链路自适应算法研究

    A Study of the Link Adaptation Algorithm for High-Speed WLAN Based on DCF