
  • 网络college expansion of enrollment;Colleges Open Their Doors Wider;enrollment expansion;the enrollment expansion of universities;the expansion of university enrollment
  1. 大学扩招的背后&改革开放前后高等教育对我国社会分层的影响

    Behind University Enrollment Expansion On the Effect of Enrollment Expansion in Universities on Library

  2. 大学扩招后高校图书馆如何深化改革

    How to Deepen the Reform of Academic Library After Enrollment Expansion of Colleges and Universities

  3. 大学扩招了,这样就使更多人能有机会接受高等教育。

    The universities have expanded , thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education .

  4. 研究生院理事会主席黛布拉斯图尔特(debrastewart)表示,在许多美国大学扩招留学生的同时,其它国家的大学也在这么做。

    Debra Stewart , CGS president , said that while many US universities had expanded their recruitment of foreign students , universities in other countries had also done so .

  5. 大学扩招后英语分级教学模式探讨

    Exploring the Grade Teaching Patterns of English after the College Expansion

  6. 美国大学扩招留学生。

    American universities are enrolling more international students .

  7. 大学扩招出现了多校区建设图书馆的必要。

    That universities enlarge their recruiting makes it necessary that multi school areas construct library .

  8. 大学扩招后教学质量问题的几点思考

    ON Teaching Quality of an Enrollment-augmented University

  9. 大学扩招提高了国家的人口素质,是国家拥有更多杰受过良好教育的专业人才。

    The expansion of college enrollment helps our country to have more well-educated citizens and professionals .

  10. 大学扩招后的无机化学教学方法初探

    The University Extends to Solicit Students the Inorganic Chemistry Teaching Method First Step of the Express the Quest

  11. 但就业市场需求的增加并没有跟上大学扩招的脚步。

    But the job market may not see a growth in demand as big as that in enrollment .

  12. “蚁族”群体的出现,源于1990年代末期推进教育产业化之中的大学扩招。

    " Ant family " groups emerged from the late1990s , promoting the industrialization of education among university enrollment .

  13. 大学扩招以来,高等教育费用快速增长,贫困生规模持续扩大。

    Since the expansion of higher education , the higher education expenses growed rapidly , the number of needy students increased continually .

  14. 连年持续的大学扩招给大学毕业生就业问题形成很大的压力,面临一定困境。

    Successive years of continuous university enrollment form to the employment of college graduates a lot of pressure , faced with certain difficulties .

  15. 提出在大学扩招、高等教育的定位词整后,高等教育自学考试的测试标准也必须调整,而目前并没有相应的调整机制。

    The paper lodges the exam difficulty should be adjusting after recruit expansion in university and the goal of higher education being adjusted .

  16. 英国经济也没有显示出大学扩招旨在带来的生产率大幅提高的迹象。

    The economy also shows no sign of the surge in productivity that the huge rise in graduation rates was intended to create .

  17. 在就业方面来看,可以发现1998年的供需情况刚刚好,而后来大学扩招的速度超过了中国经济发展的速度。

    The supply-side explanation assumes that the1998 enrollment number was just right and that subsequent expansion outpaced the needs of the Chinese economy .

  18. 一方面,现在大学生越来越多,主要是大学扩招造成的。

    On the one hand , there are more students in university than ever before because of the policy of enrolling more students to universities .

  19. 自2002年大学扩招以来,大学生就业一直是关注的焦点,全文试图以社会交换理论为基础,从社会网络的理论视角来分析大学生的人际交往情况。

    Base on the social exchange theory , this paper will analysis the interpersonal interaction of college students , by the theoretical perspective of social network .

  20. 随着大学扩招速度的加快,大学生就业难问题日益显露出来。

    With the speed of the enlarging enrolment of colleges and universities quickened , the difficulty for the college students to get jobs happens day after day .

  21. 对中国医科大学扩招前后的2003届和2005届本科毕业生各专业考研报考率进行比较分析,考研热在多种因素的作用下还在继续升温;

    Based on the comparative analysis of2003 year and2005 year medical college graduates entering for master examination , we conclude that entering master examination is continuously hot ;

  22. 大学扩招导致校园拥挤,图书馆和自习教室座无虚席,食堂挤得像农贸市场。

    Universities are enrolling more and more students , resulting in crowded campuses , full libraries and self-study classrooms , and dining halls as jammed as farmers markets .

  23. 近年来随着大学扩招,大学生就业已成为社会越来越关注的社会问题之一。

    With the university and college recruitment expanded in recent years , graduate employment has become a hot social problem , gaining increasingly more concern from the society .

  24. 随着大学扩招政策的推行,高校学生人数急剧增加,有关学生的各种信息也成倍增长。

    With the implementation of enrollment policy in universities , the number of students has been sharply increasing and all information about students has also been increasing violently .

  25. 虽然近年来借助于大学扩招政策而大肆扩张,但是社会工作教育依然很不规范,问题很多。

    The education of social work , scale of which has been greatly expanded with the expansion policy of university in recent years , is still far from norm .

  26. 然而,大学扩招使得在校大学生数量越来越多,显然,传统的教学方法很难达到上述目标。

    It is known to all that the traditional mode of language teaching is hard to reach the objective since there are more and more students in colleges and universities .

  27. 快速的大学扩招导致很多年轻人拿到了学位。而公司除了闲杂低收入岗位外没有这么多的岗位提供给他们。

    A rapid expansion ofuniversities over the last decade has resulted in more young men and women withundergraduate degrees than companies are ready to hire , except at lower pay .

  28. 放任大学扩招博士的学者们被施以处罚,完成博士学位的人数激增,表明扩招决定做出之时就暗含了该群体质量的下降。

    Where penalties are levied on academics who allow PhDs to overrun , the number of students who complete rises abruptly , suggesting that students were previously allowed to fester .

  29. 大学扩招,普高走俏,职校毕业生就业难,职业教育处于改革发展的关键时期。

    With the enlarged enrollment of university students and the popularizing of senior middle schools , vocational colleges , as well as its graduates , are facing a hard time .

  30. 我国近年来大学扩招后带来就业高峰,高校毕业生就业竞争将更加激烈。

    The expansion of enrolling college students in recent years has caused the peak of employment in our country . Therefore , the competition of employment for college graduates will be more intense .