
  1. 我很幸运,小玩一会儿就遇到GM出来搞活动,特意截图留念。

    I am very lucky , playing in a short period of time encountered by GM taking charge of event , specially shot for rememberance .

  2. 太贵了,今天你们不是搞活动大减价吗?

    That 's too unreasonable ! Aren 't you having a big sale today ?

  3. 我们有文娱机关的批准,可以在这个公园搞活动。

    We have the sanction of the recreation department to play ball in this park .

  4. 入学考试那么忙,真的可以搞活动吗?

    Is starting school : the examination hasten in that way : and really may vitalize to stir ?

  5. 韦奕博表示:不过,对于我们来说,要本地化,就要在搞活动的时候跟当地的明星合作。

    But the right way for us to go local is when we do events , where we certainly want to be working with the local celebrities .

  6. 梁教授希望搭桥香港大学跟广卅高校联系的平台,将来共同搞活动、互访和科研。

    Professor Leung also expressed his wish for increasing the contact between universities in Guangzhou and Hong Kong University , including cooperation on scientific researches and exchange visits .

  7. 学生正确的人生观特别是正直品质的形成,首先要靠老师言传身教,其次,建氛围、搞活动、拓环境都是必须相应跟上的措施。

    The students ' correct outlook on life , especially the honest personality , is formed not only by the teachers ' teaching but also by the corresponding measures of creating atmosphere , organizing activities , perfecting the environment .

  8. 他以公务员的工作作为搞间谍活动的掩护。

    His work as a civil servant was a cover for his activities as a spy .

  9. 伦敦动物园正在搞催眠活动,帮助人们克服对蜘蛛的恐惧。

    London Zoo is running hypnosis programmes to help people overcome their fear of spiders .

  10. 这家公司正大搞推销活动。

    The company is big on extravagant promotion drives .

  11. 如果某个产品搞CRM活动,即使它的价格比平时稍微贵了那么一点儿我也愿意接受。

    I would be willing to pay slightly more for a product if it was involved in CRM .

  12. 同时,我们要去搞点活动资金。

    Meantime , we 'll need to raise some working capital .

  13. 洗衣店只是他们搞犯罪活动的一个烟幕。

    The laundry is just a smokescreen for their criminal activities .

  14. 他在书店搞阅读活动。

    He was at the bookstore doing a reading .

  15. 由于有人说他搞颠覆活动,所以他被宣布开除出协会。

    He was read out of the association because of alleged subversive activities .

  16. 他们面临搞阴谋活动和谋杀罪的指控。

    They faced charges of conspiracy and murder .

  17. 就是要我们去搞市场活动的人。

    They are the one that have employed us to do their marketing campaign .

  18. 我们将搞点活动庆祝帕姆的生日。

    We 're having a bit of a do to celebrate pam 's birthday .

  19. 克里姆林宫再次宣称西方记者搞间谍活动。

    Kremlin again alleged spying by Western newsmen .

  20. 第二,不准搞派别活动。

    Second , factional activities are banned .

  21. 我相信你的奋斗目标是正确的,但我绝对不搞恐怖活动。

    I believe your cause is just , but I draw the line at terrorism .

  22. 你们搞地下活动很有经验。

    You guys have much underground experience .

  23. 他们要旷日持久搞阴谋活动的决心。

    Their determination to perpetuate the conspiracy .

  24. 但这些都不是在严格的实验室条件下开展的实验,而是为制作电视节目而搞的活动。

    But none of these were lab experiments . They were events made for television .

  25. 他们的许多朋友和邻居因搞恐怖活动结果被关进了大牢。

    Many of their friends and neighbours have ended up in prison for terrorist activities .

  26. 我可告诉你,在那个神圣的日子里不许打猎或搞娱乐活动消遣。

    I charge you not to hunt or recreate your selves on that sacred day .

  27. 我要你们停止唱歌,因为这个小客店没获准搞音乐活动。坐小客车去饭店要多久?

    I must ask you to stop singing as the inn is not licensed for music .

  28. 女孩们听到教导,要她们节约每一个铜板去帮助教堂搞各项活动。

    The girls were directed to put any extra pennies they might have towards church missions .

  29. 她因搞颠覆活动而被捕。

    She was arrested for subversion .

  30. 原因是有人从根本上反对搞情报活动,就象有人反对技术发明一样。

    The reason was a basic antagonism to intelligence that paralleled the opposition to any technical innovation .