
  • 网络Fancy football;soc
  1. 受伤一年多后,离我18岁生日还有1个月的时候,我成了英国花式足球冠军(右图为本文口述者安德鲁•亨德森在展示他的花式足球技巧)。当时我还在学习高中A-level课程。

    Just over a year later , a month before my 18th birthday and in the middle of my A-levels , I became the UK freestyle football champion .

  2. 花式足球已经渐渐映入足球爱好者的业余生活。

    Fancy football has gradually leisure life that spring football fans .

  3. 花式足球起源于南美洲,在欧洲得到推广。

    Fancy football originated in South America , in Europe be promoted .

  4. 你从何处得悉这次花式足球活动?

    Where did you learn about this Freestyle Football Event ?

  5. 你有参与花式足球的经验吗?

    Do you have previous experience with freestyle football ?

  6. 我是一名花式足球运动员,我叫奥利•海耶斯,这是用头停球的技巧。

    I 'm a freestyler , Oli Hayes , and this is the head stall .

  7. 我还在伦敦奥运会和里约足球世界杯上表演过花式足球。

    I also performed at the London Olympics and last year 's World Cup in Rio .

  8. 花式足球糅合了足球控球技巧、杂技表演和舞蹈动作,并且富于自我表现。

    Freestyle football combines the technical side of ball control with acrobatics , dance moves and self-expression .

  9. 最后文章通过调查问卷的方式总结出我国花式足球运动的开展情况。

    Finally , the paper the way through the questionnaire summarized the conduct of our fancy football situation .

  10. 我是一名花式足球运动员,我将教给你抢断组合。

    I am a freestyler and I 'm going to show you how to do a block combo .

  11. 花式足球既是足球运动的另外一种形式,就像街头篮球与篮球之间的区别一样。

    Freestyle football is another form of football , street basketball and basketball as the difference between the same .

  12. 嗨,我是花式足球运动员奥利•海耶斯,我要教你让足球在肩膀转动的花式技巧。

    Hi , I 'm the freestyler Oli Hayes and I 'm going to show you the shoulder roll .

  13. 我是花式足球运动员奥利•海耶斯,今天我要向你们展示花式足球的另一种技巧。

    I 'm the freestyler , Oli Hayes , and today I 'm going to show you the football flick .

  14. 花式足球特别注重在有限空间内完成各种动作,锻炼了运动员细腻的脚上技术。

    Freestyle Football particular attention in a limited space within the various movements , athletes training techniques and delicate feet .

  15. 我是花式足球运动员奥利·海耶斯,我要教你将足球在脖子上停止的花式足球技巧。

    I 'm a freestyler , Oli Hayes , and I 'm going to teach you how to do the neckstall .

  16. 这位职业花式足球手的球技是世界一流的,他已经打破了好几项关于足球球技的吉尼斯世界纪录。

    The professional football freestyler is one of the best in the world and has smashed countless Guinness World Records for football tricks .

  17. 在复健过程中,我练习了一些花式足球的动作&学着控制球的平衡,尽管我还打着石膏。

    Throughout my recovery I was doing a few freestyle football moves & learning to balance the ball , even in my cast .

  18. 在复健过程中,我练习了一些花式足球的动作——学着控制球的平衡,尽管我还打着石膏。

    Throughout my recovery I was doing a few freestyle football moves - learning to balance the ball , even in my cast .

  19. 开始时,我还以为花式足球不可能成为一项正经的职业,部分原因在于我自认为练得不够好。

    At the beginning I didn 't even think freestyling could be a serious career , partly because I thought I wasn 't good enough .

  20. 我记得当时我在网上学习荷兰花式足球先驱SoufianeTouzani的视频——我试着找出那条绳子,我不敢相信这些动作是真的。

    I remember studying online videos of Dutch pioneer Soufiane Touzani - I was trying to see the string . I couldn 't believe it was real .

  21. 花式足球最“酷”的地方就是它的表演没有极限,没有对与错,他完全取决与表演者的即兴发挥。

    The cool thing about Freestyle Soccer is that there are no limits , there is no right or wrong , it 's all up to the Freestyler .

  22. 但是在我们国家花式足球还是一个陌生的词语,还不被广大人民群众所认识,甚至一些足球教练员以及足球运动员都对花式足球运动知之甚少。

    But football in our country is still a strange fancy words , not being recognized by the masses , and even some football coaches and football players have little knowledge of fancy football .

  23. 花式足球已经在世界上得到广泛推广,荷兰的一家公司就专门从事花式足球表演与相关装备销售为盈利目的,甚至我们的邻国韩国,日本,越南等都不乏花式足球高手的出现。

    Fancy football has in the world wide promotion , the Netherlands , a company specializing in fancy soccer sales performance and related equipment for profit , and even our neighbors South Korea and Japan , Vietnam and so lack the emergence of artistic football expert .