
  • 网络flower border
  1. 得出结论:南京公园绿地花境景观对于我们的城市景观有着积极的影响,但花境应用依然存在着自身的不足。(4)南京城市公园绿地花境的AHP模糊评价(综合评价体系)。

    It shows that flower border in Nanjing urban park green space has a positive effect on urban landscape , except for some shortages . ( 4 ) AHP with fuzzy synthesis evaluation was applied to assess flower border in Nanjing urban park green space .

  2. 花境是一种最自然优美、最具亲和力的花卉应用形式。

    Flower border is the most natural form of flower application .

  3. 同时,利用基于CLISP的Jess系统维护花境设计、栽培养护等方面的推理规则,并结合背景事实执行必要的推理任务。

    At the same time , we use Jess system according to CUSP to maintain the reasoning rules of design and management , and combine the background facts to carry out to reasoning work .

  4. 大丽花(Dahliapinnata)为菊科大丽花属多年生球根花卉,常作花境、花坛或盆栽观赏,是世界著名的园林绿化材料。

    Dahlia pinnata , as an perennial flowering bulbs , belongs to the Compositae family Dahlia genus . It is a world-wide famous landscape greening material and is applied in flower borders , flowerbeds and pot flowers .

  5. 浅谈花境在上海城市绿化中的应用

    Elementarily Talking about Application of Flower Mirrors in Urban Plantation in Shanghai

  6. 花境是一种重要的花卉应用形式。

    The flower border is a kind of important flower application form .

  7. 哈尔滨地区花境专家系统的研究

    Study on Expert System of Flower Border in Harbin Area

  8. 花境设计在长沙市园林景观中的应用研究

    Study on Flower Border Design in Changsha City Landscape Application

  9. 花境中作为背景材料种植,可能需要支撑物。

    Plant at the back of a border ; it may require staking .

  10. 因此,关于花境的应用研究也就越来越重要。

    Therefore , the applied research on the flower border will become increasingly important .

  11. 花境是近年来出现的园林应用形式。

    Flower border is a new application style for landscape planting in recent years .

  12. 因此,没有丰富的实践阅历,难以进行花境的设计。

    Therefore , it is difficult to design a flower border without abundant experience .

  13. 花境在厦门园林中的应用

    Application of Flower Border to Landscape in Xiamen

  14. 上海城市绿地花境应用现状调查研究

    Investigation on the Current Status of Flower Borders Used in the Urban Greenland of Shanghai

  15. 浅析花境在城市道路绿化设计中运用&以福州为例

    Brief analysis flower border in urban road greening design utilization & take Fuzhou as the example

  16. 球根花卉种类丰富、适应性强、栽培便利,在切花、盆花生产及花坛、花境等园林应用中占有重要地位。

    Flower bulbs have a profusion of varieties and good adaptability , and are easy to be cultured .

  17. 扬州花境植物群丛以常绿灌木为优势群体,配以草本花卉。

    In Yangzhou flower border communities , evergreen shrubs were the dominant groups , together with the herbaceous flowers .

  18. 本文分析了南京城市花境绿地植物群落的物种组成、群落外貌、群落结构、具体应用情况等内容。

    The paper analyzed flower border from species composition , community appearance , community structure t and so on .

  19. 百合属植物具较高的药用和食用价值,同时也是园林中庭院栽植以及布置花坛、花境的著名花卉。

    Lilium plants have medicinal and edible value and also are famous for courtyard garden plant and flower of arrangement .

  20. 本文主要有以下几个方面:(1)探讨花境基础理论。

    This paper mainly has the following several aspects : ( 1 ) Discuss the basic theory of flower border .

  21. 近年来,花境在我国各地的城市园林绿化建设中逐渐兴起。

    In recent years , The use of flower borer in China 's urban landscape around the building gradually rise .

  22. 花境是近年来新出现在上海绿地的园林应用形式,它的出现给原本崇尚于大色块、模纹型、平面化花坛布置的传统园艺手法,注入了自然和清新。

    Flower border is a new application type for landscape plants used in city greenland of Shanghai area in recent years .

  23. 花境植物群丛的物种丰富程度不高,不利于城市生物多样性的发展。

    The richness of flower border was not too high , and this would affect The development of urban biodiversity . 4 .

  24. 有录入维护模块、查询模块、识别模块、花境的基础知识模块、图片浏览模块。推理机采用了基于规则的推理,花境设计时的推理实现了不同的设计要素对花境景观设计的不同重要性。

    Reasoning engine adopts the reason according to add regularly , realizing the different importance of different design factors in the process design .

  25. 由于设计者需要熟练掌握大量的花卉素材及美学设计技巧,才能够科学而快速地进行花境的设计。

    Because designers need to be well-trained to master a large amount of flower materials and esthetics techniques to design the flower border quickly .

  26. 在现代绿地中应用形式比古代更为丰富,主要有专类园、花台、花境、花带、孤植、丛植、群植等形式。

    Tree peonies were applied in modern gardens with more forms than ancient time , such as in display garden , flowerbed , perennial borders , etc.

  27. 花境既表现了植物个体生长的自然美,又展示了植物自然组合的群体美。

    A successful flower border can exhibit both the natural beauty of the growth of individual plant and the collective beauty of the natural combination of plants .

  28. 本文针对上海城市绿地中的花境应用,进行了为期一年多的实地调查。

    To aim at the status of flower borders used in the urban greenland of Shanghai , a field investigation was carried out for more than one years .

  29. 并对南昌市花境应用现状提出改进意见,推荐了几种适合在南昌市试行的花境配置方案。

    Application status of flower border , and Nanchang , suggest improvements , and a brief introduction of the flower border configuration design can be extended in Nanchang .

  30. 园林花境是提高植物景观艺术和发挥园林植物在绿化建设中的综合功能的优秀造景形式。

    Flower border , as an excellent style for planting design , shows its compositive function for planting in urban space and improves the artistic level for landscape architecture .