
  • 网络extragalactic radio radiation
  1. 河外射电双源中相对论激波和热斑的计算分析

    Computation and analysis for relativistic shock waves and hot-spot in extragalactic double radio sources

  2. 河外射电双源和多重源

    Extragalactic double radio sources and multiple radio sources

  3. 河外射电变源与致密源

    Extragalactic Variable and Compact Radio Sources

  4. DⅡ类河外射电双源瓣结构及其与总光度的统计关系

    The class DiI lobe structure of extragalactic double radio source and the statistical relationship between this structure and the total luminosity

  5. 本文评述河外射电变源模型的研究,把变源模型归纳为四类:(1)非相对论性膨胀模型;

    The theoretical models for extragalactic variable radio sources are reviewed . They are classified into models of ( 1 ) Non-relativistic expansion ;

  6. 河外超脉泽辐射河外低频射电变源

    Extragalactic Low Frequency Variable Radio Sources