
  • 网络THE CIRCUS;The Greatest Show on Earth
  1. 泽比诺大马戏团隆重向观众们介绍。

    The great Zerbino circus is proud to present it 's audience .

  2. 每个学校都像是一个大马戏团,人与人之间等级分明,从杂耍员到驯兽师,

    Every school was a big top circus tent , and the pecking order went from acrobats to lion tamers ,

  3. 她带我去的剧院,现在回想起来应该是萨里,圣乔治大马戏团。

    The theatre she took me to , on the night I am thinking of now , was the Surrey , St George 's Circus .

  4. 每个学校都像是一个大马戏团,人与人之间等级分明,从杂耍员到驯兽师,从小丑到龙套,他们的等级都比我们高好几层楼。

    Every school was a big top circus tent , and the pecking order went from acrobats to lion tamers , from clowns to carnies , all of these miles ahead of who we were .

  5. 不去,我今天要去大苹果马戏团。

    Going to the Big Apple Circus today .

  6. 谁会和我去大使馆宴会,谁带我去大苹果马戏团?

    Who 's gonna crash the embassy parties with me ? Who 's gonna take me to the Big Apple Circus ?

  7. 本着这种精神,他们1983年发起了“感官马戏”项目。这是大苹果马戏团专门为有视觉和听觉障碍的儿童安排的表演。

    In that spirit , the duo launched " Circus of the Senses " in1983 , a special edition of the Big Apple Circus adapted for visually and hearing impaired children .

  8. 可是经过潘克洛夫热心的教导,托普最后居然也能勉强攀登,而且不久它的爬梯技能大可以和马戏团里的同类相媲美了。

    But Pencroft was such a zealous master , that Top ended by properly performing his ascents , and soon mounted the ladder as readily as his brethren in the circus .