
  • 网络Pretty Maid
  1. 著名影视明星吴卓羲和马娅舒带着其新出的电视剧《大丫鬟》前来,与观众、媒体的互动引得了一片叫好声。

    Wu Zuoxi and Ma Shuya , two famous local actors were on site with their new TV soap'Da Yahuan ' , causing a stir among the surrounding audience .

  2. 冯舅爷和一个年轻小伙子领头儿,随后车上是太太跟大丫鬟青霞,青霞怀里抱着一个两岁大的小孩儿。

    The maternal uncle , Feng , and the young boy led the party , followed by the mother , riding with the elder maid , Bluehaze , who was holding a baby of two years old .