
  1. 而且这次还带上妈妈和弟弟一起出发哦!

    I 'm taking my mum and brother during this trip !

  2. 玛丽没有来,我们就没和她一起出发。

    Mary didn 't come , so we set out without her .

  3. 几位跟他同级的军官和他一起出发到前线去。

    Several officers of his own rank started for the front with him .

  4. 好!那我们一起出发吧!

    Great . Let 's go together then .

  5. 第二天早晨六点钟,我就同一队大约四十名青年一起出发。

    Next morning at six I set out with a squad of about forty youths .

  6. 于是,史莱克便和朋友们一起出发去寻找国王的侄子阿迪。

    So Shrek sets out with his friends to find the King 's nephew , Arthur .

  7. 我上班去了,几个小时后,丹和他女朋友一起出发了。

    I went to work and , a couple of hours later , Dan took off with his girlfriend .

  8. 所以她们为了不要错过这个机会,便和其他游客一起出发;

    So , not wanting to miss out , the girls set out with the rest of the tourists .

  9. 这个爱的旅程,是和耶稣一起出发的,而祂赐我们能力去尽心、尽性、尽意、尽力地爱神。

    The starting point on this journey of love is with Jesus , and he gives us the ability to love God with all our heart , soul , mind , and strength .

  10. 范殿一家人、忠实的仆人栓柱(张默饰演)、佃户花枝(徐帆饰演)和其他难民一起出发,踏上了前往陕西省的漫长路途。

    Fan , his extended family , loyal servant Shuang Zhu ( Zhang Mo ) and his tenant Hua Zhi ( Xu Fan ) set off with other refugees on the long march towards the province of Shaanxi .

  11. 如果你能感觉的到,那么请和我一起向快乐出发,为生命呐喊!

    If you can feel that , then please join me in a happy departure for the life Scream !

  12. 我们把元帅抬上了飞机,我和医生以及飞行员一起向利沃夫出发。

    We took off with field marshal on board , myself , doctor and pilot and set course on Lvov .

  13. 根据它们的结构特点,我们从同一起始原料出发,成功地发展了三条不同的全合成路线,其中包括一条仿生全合成路线。

    From a common starting material , we developed three different total syntheses , one of which is the biomimetic synthesis .

  14. 第2章,以两个案例和一起事件作为出发点,梳理同性恋者法律地位的变化及同性婚姻合法化的法理依据。

    Chapter 2 , two cases and incident as a starting point , comb homosexuals change of legal status and legal basis for the legalization of same-sex marriage .

  15. 1919年(民国七年)蒙树培携家人一起从西安出发,沿途经过开封等地到达北京,住北京同州会馆。

    In the year of 1919 ( the seventh year of the Republic of China ) he started from Xi ' an , Kaifeng and other places along the way before arriving in Beijing with his family and resided at Tongzhou guild hall of BeiJing .

  16. 一名35岁的耶鲁毕业生兼教授,和他的团队一起从雨林营地出发。

    a 35-year-old Yale graduate and professor set out from his rainforest camp with his team .

  17. 我爬上后座,同朱迪丝和莱拉在一起,于是我们出发了。

    I climbed in the back next to Judith and Leila , and away we went .

  18. 我爬上后座,同朱迪丝和莱拉在一起,于是我们出发了。我已穿上裤子,这样我的精神状态已好些了。

    I climbed in the back next to Judith and leila , and away we went . I had my pants on now , which further improved my state of mind .

  19. 除了罗德利克爵士,当初跟她一起从路口旅店出发的人,如今只剩波隆、维里·渥德爵士和歌手马瑞里安。

    Beside Ser Rodrik , only Bronn , Ser Willis Wode , and Marillion the singer remained of the party that had ridden with her from the inn by the crossroads .