
yī xì liè
  • a series of;a range of;range;sequence;succession;string;round;battery;constellation;tail;parade
一系列 [yī xì liè]
  • [a series of] 许许多多有关联的 [事物];一连串的[事物]

一系列[yī xì liè]
  1. 准确的诊断是在一系列的检查后作出的。

    An accurate diagnosis was made after a series of tests .

  2. 蓝鸟队有机会囊括这一系列比赛的冠军。

    The Blue Jays have a chance to sweep the series .

  3. 他们的推理是以一系列未说明的假定为基础的。

    Their reasoning was based on a set of unstated assumptions .

  4. 采取了一系列措施缓解这个问题。

    A number of measures were taken to alleviate the problem .

  5. 欧盟发布了一系列关于污染的新指令。

    The EU has issued a new set of directives on pollution .

  6. 他描述了抢劫案发生前的一系列有关情况。

    He described the sequence of events leading up to the robbery .

  7. 培训课程采取一系列研讨会的形式。

    The training programme takes the form of a series of workshops .

  8. 他卷入了与管理层的一系列冲突之中。

    He became entangled in a series of conflicts with the management .

  9. 为了抑制通货膨胀实施了一系列的政策。

    A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation .

  10. 一系列小组讨论已安排在各个下午进行。

    A series of discussion groups has been timetabled for the afternoons .

  11. 用户通过回答一系列问题,逐步完成整个程序。

    Users advance through the program by answering a series of questions .

  12. 这只是一系列拖延战术中的一个新花招。

    This was just the latest in a series of delaying tactics .

  13. 这篇文章讨论了一系列广泛的论题。

    The article covered a wide range of topics .

  14. 多数超级市场都经销一系列有机产品。

    Most supermarkets sell a range of organic products .

  15. 他已经不再坚持自己在一系列问题上的立场。

    He has reversed himself on a dozen issues .

  16. 在发生一系列交通事故之后,警方提请驾驶人要谨慎驾车。

    After a series of road accidents the police pleaded for sanity among drivers .

  17. 为了从离婚中恢复过来,我马不停蹄地投身于一系列的活动。

    To recover from the divorce , I threw myself into a whirlwind of activities .

  18. 通过一系列倒叙展现出了导致谋杀的各个情节。

    The events that led up to the murder were shown in a series of flashbacks .

  19. 为纪念他逝世30周年,有一系列的电影要上映。

    A series of movies will be shown to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his death .

  20. 他的死引发了一系列的事件,从而导致了战争的爆发。

    His death set in motion a train of events that led to the outbreak of war .

  21. 推出相对廉价的一系列产品,是为了填补较低档市场的缺口。

    A cheaper range of products was introduced to plug the gap at the lower end of the market .

  22. 小说是基于一系列现场报道构思而成的。

    The novel is constructed from a series of on-the-spot reports .

  23. 该乐队目前正在策划在美国举办一系列演唱会。

    The band are currently planning a series of Stateside gigs .

  24. 该商店专营新的一系列配件。

    The shop is devoted to a new range of accessories .

  25. 他不得不阅读一系列公认的经典文学作品。

    He had to read a canon of accepted literary texts .

  26. 一系列的挫折使整个项目面临失败。

    A series of setbacks have put the whole project in jeopardy .

  27. 我们给每个病人都做了一系列的检查。

    We give a battery of tests to each patient .

  28. 这些陈述后面有一系列解释性注释。

    These statements are accompanied by a series of explanatory notes

  29. 他们加入了一系列当地的反核和反种族隔离团体。

    They linked up with a series of local anti-nuclear and anti-apartheid groups

  30. 乐队被迫取消了一系列的现场表演。

    The band was forced to cancel a string of live dates .