
  1. Ni基钎料激光钎焊金刚石磨粒界面显微结构及形成机理

    Delaminating Behavior and Formation Mechanism of the Interfacial Microstructure in the Laser Brazing Diamond with Ni-Cr Alloys

  2. Ni-Cr合金Ar气保护炉中钎焊金刚石砂轮的研究

    Research on Furnace Brazing of Diamond Grinding Wheel with Ni-Cr Alloy under Argon Atmosphere

  3. Ni-Cr合金真空钎焊金刚石的表面石墨化

    Surface graphitization on brazed diamond with Ni-Cr alloy in vacuum brazing

  4. Ni-Cr合金真空钎焊金刚石界面反应的热力学与动力学分析

    Thermodynamic studies on interfacial reactions between diamond and Ni-Cr filler metal in vacuum brazing

  5. Ni-Cr合金钎焊金刚石磨粒的试验研究

    Experimental study of diamond grain brazing

  6. Ag-Cu-Ti钎焊金刚石的界面结构及热应力分析

    Interface Microstructure and Thermal Stress of Diamond Brazing with Ag-Cu-Ti Filler

  7. 基于有限元对Ag-Cu-Ti钎焊金刚石膜残余应力分析

    Analysis of thermal stress of brazed diamond film With Ag-Cu-Ti filler alloy

  8. 采用Ansys有限元分析软件运用非线性分析的方法对Ag-Cu-Ti钎焊金刚石膜后的残余应力进行了数值模拟。

    The thermal stress after the brazing of diamond film with Ag-Cu-Ti filler alloy is simulated by the nonlinear finite element analysis of ANSYS software .

  9. 钎焊金刚石磨料片工艺的研究

    Research of the soldering and brazing process for diamond abrasive slices

  10. 钎焊金刚石磨具加工石材的磨损和工艺参数优化

    Brazing of Diamond Abrasive Processing Stone Wear and Technological Parameters Optimization

  11. 石材磨削中感应钎焊金刚石磨损特征研究

    Wear Characteristics of Induction Brazing Diamond during the Grinding of Stone

  12. 钎焊金刚石工具制备的研究现状和进展

    Current research situation and development of manufacturing vacuum brazed diamond tools

  13. 钛基钎料真空钎焊金刚石的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Vacuum Brazing of Diamond with a Ti-based Filler Alloy

  14. 钎焊金刚石薄壁钻加工工程陶瓷的试验研究

    Experimental Investigation on Drilling of Engineering Ceramics with Brazed Diamond Thin-wall Drill

  15. 高温钎焊金刚石工具的研究进展

    Progress in study on brazing diamond tools in high temperature

  16. 两种钎焊金刚石工具微观结构的对比分析

    Microstructure of Brazed Diamond Tools Made by Two Different Techniques

  17. 高频感应钎焊金刚石工具温控系统设计

    Design of temperature control system of high frequency induction brazing diamond tool

  18. 含钛钎料钎焊金刚石的微结构对比分析

    Comparative Analysis on Microstructure of Brazing Diamond by Ti-containing Filler

  19. 单层钎焊金刚石砂轮工艺研究初探

    Preliminary Experimental Study of Monolayer Diamond Brazed Grinding Wheel

  20. 钎焊金刚石砂轮磨削大理石的力的变化特征

    Change characteristics of grinding forces during marble grinding with brazed diamond grinding wheel

  21. 单层钎焊金刚石工具的残余应力分析

    Residual Stress Field Analysis of Monolayer Brazed Diamond Tools

  22. 钎焊金刚石工具平面磨削的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Surface Grinding with Brazed Diamond Tools

  23. 活性涂层钎料的制备及其钎焊金刚石膜的研究

    Study on Preparation and Brazing Diamond Film of Active Coated Brazing Filler Metal

  24. 高频感应钎焊金刚石界面特征

    Interfacial characteristics of diamond brazed by high-frequency induction

  25. 钎焊金刚石磨粒磨损性能研究

    Study on the wear of brazed diamond grits

  26. 钎焊金刚石工具钎焊强度评价的研究

    Brazing Intensity Appraisal Research on Brazed Diamond Tool

  27. 钎焊金刚石砂轮磨削石材中金刚石粒度对磨削力的影响研究

    Influences of diamond grit size on grinding forces when grinding stone with brazed diamond wheel

  28. 钎焊金刚石微观形貌与磨粒磨损状态关系研究

    Study on the relationship between microtopography of brazed diamond and the abrasion of grinding grains

  29. 利用活性钎料钎焊金刚石磨粒是一种新的金刚石工具的制造方法。

    Diamond grain brazing with active filler metals was a new method of manufacturing diamond tools .

  30. 空气中钎焊金刚石磨粒

    Diamond grain brazing in air
