
shēng chéng
  • generate;produce;create;form;manufacture;be born (gifted) with;bear and rear
生成 [shēng chéng]
  • (1) [form;produce]∶产生形成

  • 石油的生成要经历漫长的岁月

  • (2) [be born (gifted) with]∶生来就如此

  • 他生成讨人喜欢

  • (3) [bear and rear]∶抚养

  • 父母生成大恩

生成[shēng chéng]
  1. 生成SpringXML数据文件,此文件将会被转换成响应对象。

    Create Spring XML data files that will be transformed into the response objects .

  2. XML也有助于生成独立于服务器工作的文档。

    XML also helps to create documents that can function independently of a server .

  3. 《恐龙》结合了电脑生成的动画和外景地实地拍摄的画面。

    ‘ Dinosaur ’ combines CGI animation with live-action location shots .

  4. 维生素不能由人体来生成。

    Vitamins cannot be manufactured by our bodies .

  5. 维生素C在控制体重方面扮演着多重角色。首先,荷尔蒙的生成有赖于它。

    Vitamin C has many roles to play in weight control . Firstly , it is needed for hormone production .

  6. 红细胞生成不足是由缺铁引起的。

    Deficiency of red corpuscles is caused by a lack of iron .

  7. 转换生成语法局限性更大。

    Transformational grammars are more restrictive .

  8. 现在,我们也许能够更加清楚地了解宇宙生成的年代,并且解答关于人类起源最为深奥的问题之一。

    We may now be able to get a much better idea of the true age of the universe , and solve one of the deepest questions of our origins .

  9. 年轮代表着每年生成的木材量。

    The annual-rings represent the amount of wood formed each year .

  10. 酸在水中溶解时可生成带正电荷的氢原子。

    Acids produce positively charged hydrogen atoms when dissolved in water .

  11. 其他血液成分的生成发生在胎儿脾脏。

    Hematopoiesis of the other blood elements occurs in the fetal spleen .

  12. 内源性血管生成抑制剂可作为一种抑癌蛋白。

    Endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors act as tumor suppressor proteins .

  13. 碳酸钙加热分解,生成氧化钙和二氧化碳。

    The thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate produces calcium oxide and carbon dioxide .

  14. 她生成的一副好嗓子。

    She was born with a beautiful singing voice .

  15. 葡萄糖氨是甲壳类动物帮助壳中几丁质的生成,可促进生长。

    Glucosamine can help to synthesize chitin in crustacean shells , which AIDS growth .

  16. 石灰水变得混浊了,可见在实验中有二氧化碳生成了。

    The lime water has turned cloudy , therefore carbon dioxide has been produced during the experiment .

  17. 这些区域中的每一个对应于一个生成元,而每个交叉点对应于一个关系子。

    To each of these domains there corresponds a generator and to each cross-over there corresponds a relator .

  18. 人们还要求水的硬度及固体含量都低,无腐蚀性,不生成水垢。

    The public desires water which is low in hardness and total solids , noncorrosive , and non-scale-forming .

  19. 内褶的植物极细胞生成一片向上生长的细胞,并最后围成一个腔,即原肠。

    The inpocketed vegetal pole cells develop into a sheet of cells which grows upward and eventually encloses a cavity , the archenteron .

  20. 她的观察有助于驳斥人们的普遍看法:昆虫从泥中自发生成。

    Her observations helped dismiss the popular belief that insects spontaneously emerged from mud .

  21. “该州的设施管理项目组正在生成其商业理由,预计将在二月底完成并提供给公众,”马丁说道。

    The state 's facilities management project team is still in the process of developing its business justification and expects to have that completed and available to the public at the end of February , Martin said .

  22. 该公司一直在尝试建立监测站,这些监测站打算用来生成精确至分钟的室外空气污染地图。

    It has been trying out monitoring stations that are intended to yield minute-to-minute maps of outdoor air pollution .

  23. “我们在课堂上花了一两个小时学习如何生成代码,最后变得很熟练。”

    " We spent an hour or two in class learning how to generate the codes , and in the end everything gets easier . "

  24. 重新生成地图时,信息窗口的统计数据会重置

    Regenerating the map resets the statistics in the Info screen .

  25. 可用更有意义的名称替换这一自动生成的别名。

    You can replace this automatically generated alias with a more meaningful one .

  26. 这组科学家给出的结论是:由于该模型模拟生成的黑死病实际传播情况要比其它研究更加仔细,所以他们认为人类身上的虱子才是导致这场流行病的原因。

    Their conclusion : human lice caused the pandemic because this model mimicked2 the actual spread of the Black Death much more closely than the others .

  27. 因此,虽然在全球各国封锁期间,运输和工业碳排放量峰值下降了17%,但大量气体仍在生成,增加了大气层中二氧化碳的总含量。

    So , while the global lockdown saw carbon emissions from transport and industry drop by as much as 17 % at their peak , large amounts of the gas were still being produced , adding to the overall total .

  28. 接着,他们把实际的传播过程与计算机模拟生成的三类爆发情况做了比较。这三类爆发分别是由鼠蚤传播、经空气传播以及依靠人类身上寄生的跳蚤和虱子传播的模拟情况。

    They then compared the actual spread to three computer-simulated outbreaks : One where the disease was transmitted by rat fleas1 , one where it was airborne and another that modelled the transmission by fleas and lice that live on humans and their clothes .

  29. 发现、生成、部署并测试Web服务以整合商业应用程序

    Discover , generate , deploy and test Web services to integrate business applications

  30. 允许管理exchange电子邮件地址生成策略。

    Allow management of the exchange email address generation policies .