
  • 网络biomass power generation
  1. 生物质能发电是生物质能利用的有效途径之一。

    Biomass power generation is one of effective methods to utilize biomass energy .

  2. 其中,低碳的电力主要有核电、水电、风电、太阳能光伏与热发电、生物质能发电等。

    Low-carbon electricity mainly consists of nuclear power , hydropower , wind power , solar photovoltaic and thermal power generation , biomass power generation .

  3. 从生物质燃料来源、生物质能发电的经济效益、环境效益、社会效益和灰渣综合利用等方面,论述了通过生物质能直燃发电,发展生物质产业,建立生物质能循环经济体系和在该项目中应用CDM的可行性。

    From biomass fuel sources , economic , environmental and social benefits of biomass energy power generation and ash comprehensive utilization , development of biomass industry and the feasibility of establishing biomass circular economy and CDM application in this project through direct combustion of biomass energy power generation are analyzed .

  4. 生物质能发电厂机组选型方案综合分析

    Integrated analysis of unit type selection scheme for biomass power plant

  5. 生物质能发电技术现状与展望

    Recent advances and prospects of the technic in electricity generation from biomass

  6. 生物质能发电循环经济可行性研究

    Feasibility study on biomass energy power generation and circular economy

  7. 国有能源公司一直避免涉足生物质能发电和小型电站。

    Biomass and mini power plants have been shunned by state energy companies .

  8. 生物质能发电电价的敏感因素分析

    Electricity price sensitive factor of biomass generation power

  9. 生物质能发电技术及应用

    Technology And Application of Biomass Energy Power Generation

  10. 在我国电力短缺的条件下,生物质能发电将有广阔的发展前景。

    Electricity generation from biomass is of great promise by the power-hungry in our country .

  11. 分布式发电技术包括风力发电技术、光伏发电技术、燃料电池技术及生物质能发电技术等。

    The distributed generation technologies include wind power , photovoltaic , fuel cell , biomass generation technology and so on .

  12. 可再生能源的主要利用方式是发电,从能源种类看主要分为太阳能光伏发电、风力发电以及生物质能发电等。

    Renewable energy is used to generate power primarily , including wind power , solar photovoltaic power and biomass power generation .

  13. 从而说明在实施分类电价的前提下,经济激励政策的实施将对生物质能发电技术的发展起到推动作用。

    The result showed that the incentive policy will decrease the electricity price and promote the development of power generation technology from biomass .

  14. 本文通过设定不同类型、不同力度的激励政策方案,对各方案下的生物质能发电电价进行分析,得出不同激励政策对生物质能发电技术电价的影响效果。

    The different type and degree incentive policy scenario were set in the paper . And the policy effect on the electricity price of biomass generated power were analyzed .

  15. 但由于缺乏有效合理的战略规划,优惠政策不能及时到位等不利因素,越来越多的生物质能发电面临亏损的局面。

    However , due to the shortfall of effective and reasonable strategic planning and slow adoption of favorable policy , more and more biomass power plants are operating under deficit .

  16. 文章综述了物质燃烧发电、生物质气化发电、沼气工程发电等生物质能发电技术及其发展现状和存在的问题。

    This paper discussed three power generation technics including biomass combustion electricity production , biomass gasfication electricity production and methane electricity production , and analysed their recent advances and prospects .

  17. 低温热能发电技术主要应用于太阳能热电、工业余热发电、地热发电、生物质能发电、海洋温差发电等方面。

    The above-mentioned technology is mainly used for solar-energy cogeneration systems , industrial waste heat-based power generation , geothermal power generation as well as power generation by utilizing biomass energy and ocean temperature difference etc.

  18. 本论文运用战略管理理论对武汉开达电力控股投资有限公司(以下简称开达电力)生物质能发电未来五年的发展战略进行了研究。

    This paper aims on studying biomass power generation development strategy in the next five years of Wuhan Kaida Power Investment Holding Co. , Ltd. ( hereafter abbreviated as Kaida Power ) on the basis of strategy management theory .

  19. 本文介绍了国内外生物质能发电技术的研究和应用情况,重点讲述了秸秆发电、沼气发电和垃圾发电三种发电技术的发电方式与主要设备以及目前存在的问题。

    This article introduces research and utilization situations of biomass power generation technology in home and abroad , and generation technologies , main framework and problems of straw power generation , methane power generation , rubbish power generation are especially concerned .

  20. 随着全球能源危机进一步加剧,核电、水电、风电、生物质能发电正在成为国家战略性新兴产业的重要组成部分,可再生能源利用已在全球快速发展。

    Further exacerbated as the global energy crisis , nuclear power , hydropower , wind power , biomass power generation is becoming an important part of the national strategic emerging industries , renewable energy use has been rapid development in the world .

  21. 通过对生物质能发电厂能源,尤其是农作物秸杆、薪柴在中国的资源分布、产量及可用潜力的调查分析,对生物质能发电厂的投资提出建议。

    Investigation and analysis on the energy resource for biomass power plants , especially the distribution , output , and availability potential of crop straw and firewood in China were carried out , and suggestions on investment for biomass power plants are put forward .

  22. 在欧洲,由于政府设定的一些目标创造了机遇,风能、太阳能以及生物质能发电设备得以蓬勃发展。例如,欧盟就定下了在2020年之前实现全部能源的20%来自可再生资源的目标。

    In Europe , wind and solar power as well as biomass generators have flourished because government targets , such as the European Union 's goal that 20 per cent of all energy should come from renewable sources by 2020 , have created opportunities .

  23. 生物质发电顾名思义就是利用生物质所具有的生物质能进行发电,而秸秆发电属于生物质发电中最普遍的一种。

    Just as its name implies is to use biomass power generation biomass is the biomass energy for Power generation , and straw biomass power generation power belongs to the most common one .

  24. 生物质能直燃发电厂综合自动控制技术

    Automatic Control Technology of Biomass Direct-Fired Power Plants

  25. 生物质能是可再生能源,利用生物质能发电同时具有保护环境和可持续发展的双重作用。

    Biological energy is renewable . Power generation by biological energy takes roles of the environment protection and sustainable development .

  26. 生物质能主要来源于农作物秸秆,由于农作物的分散性,秸秆运输费用成为限制生物质能发电规模的一个主要原因。

    Biological energy mainly comes from the straw of the grain in the farms , therefore the transportation cost of straw limits the capacity of biological energy power plant .