
  • 网络ecosphere;biosphere;Social Ecosystems
  1. Eclipse生态圈的大多数图形框架都提供了图形编辑器。

    Most graphics frameworks in the Eclipse ecosystem provide graphical editors .

  2. 今年的大会主题仍会追本溯源&100%的Java技术及相关的生态圈。

    This year , the conference curriculum is going back to its roots & 100 % Java technology and the related ecosystem .

  3. GWT生态圈中的其他开源或商业项目有

    Other open source or commercial projects developed in the GWT ecosystem are

  4. Spring/Adobe&在SpringOne上,Spring生态圈继续扩张着,有两个关键的与Flex相关的声明。

    Spring / Adobe-The Spring ecosystem continued to broaden at SpringOne with two key Flex related announcements .

  5. 在这次采访中,Ward介绍了Flex以及开源的一些情况,并深入讲解了来自Flex生态圈的一些内容。

    In this interview , Ward discusses Flex and open source , along with a number of items from the Flex ecosystem .

  6. 在过去几年中,AdobeFlex生态圈的发展势头强劲,涌现出了大量社区驱动的项目和部署。

    The Adobe Flex ecosystem has experienced significant growth in the last years , with a plethora of community driven projects and deployments .

  7. 淘宝丌放平台(TOP)是淘宝电子商务基础服务的重要开放途径,它推动各行各业定制、创新、进化,并最终促成新商业文明生态圈。

    Taobao Open Platform ( TOP ) is an important open channels of the Taobao e-commerce infrastructure services , and promote all walks of customization , innovation , evolution , and ultimately contributed to the ecosystem of the new commercial civilization .

  8. 在Eclipse“生态圈”中,这样一种以开发合作且通过商业产品和开源项目共同发布的方式是最有意思的工作。

    This kind of open collaboration that feeds into both commercial products as well as other open source projects is one of the most fun and interesting aspects of working in the Eclipse ecosystem .

  9. 总之,该大会聚焦于以下两方面:SpringSource企业级产品的继续研发及对明年的Spring框架和与之相关的生态圈的预测。

    Overall , the conference featured both a continuation of SpringSource 's enterprise product offerings and a preview of where the Spring Framework and associated ecosystem will be headed in2009 .

  10. 在Hadoop生态圈中,有一种相对比较新的组件叫做Oozie[2],它让我们可以把多个Map/Reduce作业组合到一个逻辑工作单元中,从而完成更大型的任务。

    Within the Hadoop ecosystem , there is a relatively new component Oozie [ 2 ] , which allows one to combine multiple Map / Reduce jobs into a logical unit of work , accomplishing the larger task .

  11. 除了主要的Neo4j代码基以外,还有一个贡献者与用户所构成的社区和一个庞大的生态圈,这里列举出几个

    In addition to the main Neo4j codebase , there is a community of contributors and users and a larger ecosystem present , examples of which includes

  12. 金融生态圈构建及内外部作用机理研究

    Design of the Financial Ecosystem and Study of Its Function Mechanism

  13. 环杭州湾森林生态圈规划的理念和思路

    Ideas and Thoughts on Construction Planning of the Ecosphere Surrounding Hangzhou Bay

  14. 让我们携手创造共生共荣、和谐成长的社会生态圈;

    Now let 's jointly create social ecosystem of common prosperity and balanced growth .

  15. 营造健康的手机产业生态圈

    Creating a Better Environment for Mobile Phone Industry

  16. 构建中国啤酒营销生态圈

    Construct the Ecotypic Environment in Beer Sale

  17. 城市圈是经济圈、生态圈、人文社区圈的复合体;

    The city sphere is a mixture of economic spheres , ecosphere and community spheres .

  18. 创建城市文明生态圈&谈城市水利现代化建设

    Constructing a Civilized Ecosphere in a City & Discussion on Construction of Modern City Water Conservancy

  19. 接着,本文根据金融生态圈结构模型,对金融生态圈内外部相互作用机理作进一步深入分析。

    Thirdly , this text makes the further analysis in the interaction mechanism of financial ecosystem .

  20. 健美操文化与高校文化生态圈的关系研究

    Research on Aerobics Culture of College

  21. 斯坦福能提供独一无二的接触硅谷的机会,而硅谷是全球发展最快的经济生态圈。

    Stanford offers exceptional access to Silicon Valley , the best fast-growth ecosystem in the universe .

  22. 论文化生态圈与文化安全武陵山区土家族文化生态圈建设的战略思考

    Strategic Reflection on the Construction of Culture Zoology Circle of TuJia Nationality in Wuling Mountainous Area

  23. 我们可以把这种系统看作为一个完整的生态圈系统,一种大规模连结的信息环境。

    We may think of this as a whole ecology , an information environment that 's massively connected .

  24. 研究生的项目从生物分子,生物细胞一直到整个生态圈和生态进化。

    Projects are conducted at levels ranging from molecular and cellular biology to whole ecosystem and evolutionary ecology .

  25. 产业生态圈的构建是市场自发行为和政府自觉行为的有机统一。

    The industrial ecosphere 's construction is organic unification of the market spontaneous behavior and the government conscious activity .

  26. 这些景观应该可以使它们自己保存并存活下来,并成为本地环境自然生态圈的一部分。

    These landscapes should maintain themselves and survive by being part of the natural cycles of the local environment .

  27. 在人类文化生态圈内,艺术有自己独特的空间生态位和功能生态位。

    In the human culture ecosphere , arts has its unique position of spacial ecology and the functional ecology .

  28. 河北坝上及内蒙古浑善达克沙地是环首都生态圈的一部分,也是荒漠化研究的关键区域。

    Bashang area of Hebei Province and Otindag Sandy Land of Inner Mongolia are key regions in desertification studies .

  29. 概念生态圈主要包括反例、类比和比喻、认识论信念以及其他知识。

    Conceptual ecology is made up of anomalies , epistemological commitments , metaphysical beliefs and concepts and other knowledge .

  30. 发达国家的金融生态圈因其良好的系统循环关系值得我们思考和借鉴。

    Due to the favorable circularity , the financial ecosphere in developed countries can be used for reference for China .