
  • 网络executive manager;Operation Manager;Managing Director;CEO
  1. 4Chaserainbows痴人说梦我妻子从不相信我会成为一名执行经理;

    My wife never believed I would make it as an executive manager ;

  2. 我叫李石头,微软公司销售部执行经理。

    I am Stone Lee , executive manager of the sales department of Microsoft Company .

  3. 一个ERP专案执行经理能从思科案例中学到什麽?

    What can an ERP implementation project manager learn from the Cisco case ?

  4. v.协同工作我们合作出最好的方法,以便迅速地执行经理的指示。

    concert We concerted on the most proper methods for speedily executing the manager 's instructions .

  5. 本周EMC收购了一个小有名气的公司-Pi,它是由前任微软执行经理PaluMaritz创立。

    EMC 's this week acquired a little known company Pi , which is run by Paul Maritz , a historic Microsoft ex-executive and then formed a division around it .

  6. 对执行经理层股票期权激励机制的思考

    Profiles of General Managers Speculations about the Motivating Mechanism of Executive Stock Option

  7. 我现在作为足球方面的执行经理。

    I am executive manager of soccer .

  8. 你没有执行经理的指示。

    You didnt obey the managers instructions .

  9. 汤斯维尔市议会环境卫生执行经理盖文‧哈蒙德证实已接获一件客诉。

    Townsville City Council Environmental Health executive manager Gavin Hammond confirmed a complaint had been received .

  10. 行长所要求的投资收益会对执行经理的目标实施产生影响。

    The return on investment required by the chief executive will influence the operation of managers ' targets .

  11. 英文头衔超过三个单词的主儿不用太给面子,象什么产品执行经理。客户服务总监等。

    Fig3 Pay less attention to those more-than-3-word-title guys like , Executive Production Manager , Client Services Director and etc.

  12. 恰卡拉•希索瓦斯,COMGEST公司执行经理在这个发展阶段,当前的网站没有支付股利。

    CHAKARA SISOWATH , MANAGING DIRECTOR , COMGEST . At this stage of development , currently dotcoms are not paying dividends .

  13. 据悉,飞行员是原微软执行经理,他当时载着两个儿子前往东海岸的大学。

    The pilot is believed to be a former Microsoft executive who was taking his son on a tour of East Coast colleges .

  14. 曾任国外200公里公路项目执行项目经理。

    The general manager of the200 kilometer international road .

  15. 友达光电执行副总经理彭双浪(paulpeng)称,中国在10月初国庆黄金周期间销售的电视机中,约有五分之一是可以上网的电视机。

    Paul Peng , executive vice-president of AUO , said around a fifth of televisions sold in China during the week-long National Day holiday at the beginning of October were Internet-enabled televisions .

  16. 世界第三大平板显示器制造商友达光电(AUOptronics)的执行副总经理彭双浪(PaulPeng)表示:平均而言,中国人购买的电视机尺寸是全球最大的。

    China is on average buying the biggest TVs in the world , said Paul Peng , executive vice-president at AU Optronics , the world 's third-biggest flat-panel maker .

  17. 资深执行官和经理们通常更想任用那些关注和了解大局的候选人。

    Senior executives and managers generally want people who pay attention to and understand the broader view .

  18. 对另一些熟悉这一概念的人来说,是他们组织的业务执行官和经理带着抵触和怀疑的情绪想要了解它。

    For others the concept was familiar , but their organization 's business executives and managers had approached it with resistance and skepticism .

  19. 团队负责计划并执行工作,经理负责沟通计划并与团队之外的团体协调。

    The team is responsible for planning and performing the work ; the manager is responsible for communicating the plan and coordinating with groups external to the team .

  20. 休哈特告诉法庭,当联邦调查员抵达矿厂进行突击检查时,公司的首席执行官命令经理们非法警告地下的矿工。

    Hughart told the court that the company 's Chief Operating Officer ordered managers to illegally warn miners underground when federal inspectors arrived on the surface for surprise inspections .

  21. 并且在这个层级的顶端,设定目标和监督规划的主管经理当然不会执行与项目经理同样详细的活动。

    And at the top of the hierarchy , the executive leaders who set goals and oversee the program certainly do not perform the same detailed activities as project managers .

  22. 公司里到处是执行官和经理,如第一印象经理(接待员)和首席收入保护官(检票员)。

    Firms are awash with an excess of chiefs and directors , such as director of first impressions ( receptionist ) and chief Revenue Protection Officer ( ticket inspector ) .

  23. 经过西方发达国家多年实践证明,独立董事制度在完善公司治理结构、制衡执行董事和经理层方面发挥了积极作用。

    After many years ' practice of western developed countries , it proves that independent director system has played a positive role in perfecting corporate governance structure and balancing executive directors and managers .

  24. 公司治理(Corporategovernance)是指由所有者、董事会和高级执行人员即高级经理三者组成的一种组织结构。

    By corporate governance , we mean a kind of institutional framework composed of the owners , the board of directors and the senior executive staff , i.e. the superior managers .

  25. 贯穿这篇文章,我们将展示对于执行官和项目经理的样例视图,这些视图都是通过IBM软件开发平台中的工具自动产生的。

    Throughout the article , we will examine sample measurement views for both executives and project managers , generated by automated tools in the IBM Software Development Platform .

  26. BeachHorizon的电脑对90多个全球大宗商品和金融市场进行不间断监控,不允许执行交易的基金经理或其交易员团队自主决策。

    Beach Horizon 's computers continuously monitor more than 90 global commodity and financial markets , with no discretionary decisions allowed by the fund managers or their team of traders that carry out trade execution .

  27. 所以,我决定执行我的梯度经理的第二种方式。

    So , I decided to implement my gradient manager the second way .

  28. 为了减少亏损,增加利润,首席执行官要求产品经理们清楚不良产品。

    EXAMPLE : To reduce loss and increase overall profits , the C.E.O told his product managers to get rid of all the dogs .

  29. 为监控经营业绩,会计人员要做出业绩报告,并将其报送给负责执行不同决策的经理。

    To monitor performance , the account produces performance reports and presents them to the appropriate managers who are responsible for implementing the various decisions .

  30. 此外,贯穿于项目,执行官、责任经理和客户也许会要求以各种格式的包含被选定数据的状态报告。

    In addition , throughout the project , executives , functional managers , and clients may ask for status reports containing selected data in various formats .