
zhí zhōnɡ
  • impartial
执中 [zhí zhōng]
  • [impartial] 公平适中,不偏不倚

  • 执中之说

  1. 执中是课程管理的理想境界。

    " Moderation " is the ideal state of curriculum management .

  2. 在与哥伦比亚总统乌里韦频繁争执中,巴西似乎在暗地里支持着委内瑞拉总统查韦斯。

    Brazil seemed tacitly to side with Venezuela 's Hugo Ch á vez in his frequent clashes with Mr Uribe .

  3. 从政治思维方法层面看,中庸的具体思维方法是用中,包括执中和时中二层含义,二者构成既有原则性又有灵活性的辩证方法;

    While as a political thinking method , the golden mean provides a dialectic named middlebrow that comprises zhizhong and shizhong ;

  4. 梁启超以进化论历史观和执中鉴西的学术风格,在传统文化创新、资本主义判断和理想主义追求中,较全面系统地提出了他的青年教育思想。

    According to the historical view of the evolution and in " Zhi-zhong Kam-Western " academic style , Liang Qichao proposed comprehensively his ideological education of young people , in the traditional culture innovation , capitalism judgment and idealism pursue .

  5. 它以思乡恋土的乡土情结为情感心理纽带,以祖国的生存发展为根本,以自强不息、贵和执中、群体至上为精神,是一种文化统合的爱国主义。

    It is a kind of culture-integrating patriotism that takes the native land complex as psychological bridge , puts the motherland 's development in the first place , and takes self-improvement , peaceability and moderation , and collectivity first as spiritual essence .