
  1. 现在认为后两本是石申的门徒写的。

    The latter two are now believed to be written by his school followers .

  2. 尽管石申的观点是错误的,但是他承认这些黑点是太阳自身的现象。

    Although he was wrong , he recognised the spots for what they were -- solar phenomena .

  3. 石申的著作包括:8卷本《天文》、一卷本《浑天图》、一卷本《石氏星经簿赞》。

    His works included the 8-volume Astronom , the one-volume Celestial Map and the one-volume Star Catalogue of Shi .

  4. 石申认为这些黑点是由太阳中心开始向外扩展的日蚀。

    He assumed that these spots were eclipses that began at the center of the sun and spread outward .

  5. 石申的大多数著作现在都不完整,但是他一些最重要的著述被收人《开元占经》得以保存下来。

    Most of his works did not survive intact , but a few of his crucial writings were preserved in The Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan Era .

  6. 石申(生于公元前约4世纪),又名石申夫,战国时魏国人。天文学家,与甘德同时代人。

    Shi Shen ( born 4th century B. C. ) was a Chinese astronomer and contemporary of Gan De. He was born in the State of Wei , also known as the Master Shi Shen ( Shi Shenfu ) .