
shí qiánɡ
  • stone wall
  1. 她把自行车斜靠在石墙上,踮起脚往墙内张望。

    She leaned her bike against the stone wall and stood on tiptoe to peer over it .

  2. 那座旧石墙开始崩塌。

    The old stone wall began to crumble .

  3. 她被倒塌的石墙砸伤了。

    She was injured by falling masonry .

  4. 石墙的一部分在某处悬于小路的上方。

    Part of the rock wall overhung the path at one point

  5. 在这片以石墙隔出巴掌大的农田的乡村,驴子比汽车还多。

    Donkeys outnumber cars in this landscape of tiny stonewalled fields .

  6. 凸凹不平的石墙就像一条很深的运河的河岸。

    The rough rock walls were like the sides of a deep canal

  7. 红门和石墙柔和的自然色调不协调。

    The red door clashed with the soft , natural tones of the stone walls

  8. 干燥的石墙看起来也许荒凉且毫无生机,但它们为动植物提供了宝贵的栖息地。

    Dry stone walls may appear stark and lifeless , but they provide a valuable habitat for plants and animals .

  9. 这些成千成百的绿方块,都由黑熔岩石墙划分出来,使得山岭就好像巨大的棋盘一样。

    These hundreds of green squares , marked by their black lava walls , make the hills look like vast chequerboards .

  10. 在井旁边有一堵残缺的石墙。

    Beside the well there was the ruin of an old stone wall .

  11. n.裂缝;破口有些小植物从石墙的裂缝中长出来。

    crevice Some tiny plants grow in the crevice of the stong wall .

  12. LeRicher与巴黎诸多现代风格的咖啡屋大同小异——配备着上世纪60年代风格的椅子、裸露的石墙因挂有镜子而显得蓬荜生辉,透过飘窗可眺望右岸地区(RightBank)的寻常街道。

    Le Richer looks like dozens of other modernised Paris caf é s , with 1960s-style chairs , exposed stone walls brightened with mirrors , and bay windows looking on to an unremarkable Right Bank street .

  13. 高大的银杏树构成建筑物生动的入口,在低矮的石墙后面的开花乔木和云南黄馨围绕在建筑的VIP停车场和入口区域。

    Tall ginkgo trees frame the building 's dramatic entry and flowering trees and cascading jasmine behind low stone walls enclose the building 's VIP parking and entry court .

  14. “石墙”的多元化冠军计划为寻求成为LGBT人才首选雇主的组织提供专业资源。

    Stonewall 's Diversity Champions programme offers specialist resources for organisations seeking to become an employer of choice for LGB talent .

  15. 同性恋游说团体“石墙”(stonewall)发布的最新年度“工作场所平等指数”(workplaceequalityindex)显示,信息技术系统和服务集团ibm被视为同性恋员工的最好雇主。

    IBM , the information technology systems and services group , is considered to be the best employer for homosexual and lesbian staff , according to the latest annual workplace equality index published by Stonewall , the gay lobbying group .

  16. 前不久,马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校的LGBT资源组织石墙中心(TheStonewallCenter)完成了第一份关于非传统男女性别大学生的全国调查报告。

    The Stonewall Center , an L.G.B.T. resource group at the University of Massachusetts , Amherst , recently completed the first national study of college students who identify as something other than male or female .

  17. 而北部邦联军正在向Fredericksburg逼近,那里很快上千人将英勇地,有时悲惨地死去,躺在一个石墙旁边。

    And the men in Blue were moving towards Fredericksburg , where thousands would soon lie by a stone wall in heroic and sometimes miserable death .

  18. 在1655年,由于洪水的危险,Franciscans以小石墙堵塞住拜占庭时期的入口,在尽头的狭窄通道的两堵支撑墙中间开另一个入口。

    In1655 , floods forced the Franciscans to block up the Byzantine-period entrance with a small stone wall and to open another at the end of a narrow passage fashioned between two supporting walls .

  19. 同性恋与双性恋人群游说组织“石墙”(Stonewall)的职场项目主管西蒙•菲克(SimonFeeke)建议,不要预判情况,而是列出若干目的地供员工选择,让他们自己决定哪个目的地适合自己。

    Rather than prejudge situations , Simon Feeke , who leads the workplace programme at Stonewall , the lobby group for lesbian , gay and bisexual people , recommends offering a choice of destinations and allowing individuals to decide what is right for them .

  20. 被悬置在一面石墙的中间。

    It was suspended in the middle of the rock wall .

  21. 我以为沃德人只是控制了哈德里安石墙的北面。

    I thought the Woads control the north of Hadrian 's Wall .

  22. 有些小植物从石墙的裂缝中长出来。

    Some tiny plants grow in the crevice of the stone wall .

  23. 在英国一些地区,田地四周有石墙围着。

    In some parts of Britain fields are surrounded by stone walls .

  24. 就像当年这条真理在色内加瀑布、塞尔玛、石墙这些地方指引着人们,

    Just as it guided through and Selma and stonewall .

  25. 20世纪50年代时,赫本在一面石墙前拍摄照片。

    Audrey Hepburn poses by a stone wall in the early 1950s .

  26. 藏在石墙缝隙里的老鼠

    A mouse hiding in a cranny in the stone wall

  27. 那些文字仍然那么明亮地在石墙上闪烁。

    the words still gleamed as brightly as ever on the stone .

  28. 崔博停了下来,很仔细地看着这褐色砂石墙的房子。

    Trimble paused , looking carefully at the brownstone house .

  29. 燧石墙是当地建筑的一大特色。

    The flint walls are characteristic of the local architecture .

  30. 石墙事件的民众都很愤怒。

    the folks at Stonewall , they were all angry .