
jīnɡ yī
  • Jingyi;dedicated;devoted;single-minded
精一 [jīng yī]
  • [single minded;concentrated] 精粹而齐心

  • 士卒精一

  1. 会十事,不如精一事。

    Better master one than engage with ten .

  2. 大连精一轴承有限公司是专业研究、开发和制造自润滑轴承的创新企业。

    DALIAN FOB BEARING CO. , LTD is a innovative enterprise that specialized in researching , developing , producing self-lubricating bearing .

  3. 当前,全区正在实施区域经济发展新战略,做强二产、做大三产、做精一产。

    At present , the region is implementing a new strategy for regional economic development , and strengthen the secondary industry , big three products do Seiichi production .

  4. 种种研究已经显示了甘草精具有一种防刺激感物质,止痒的效果,这类似考的松。

    Studies have shown that it has an anti-inflammatory , anti-itch effect similar to cortisone .

  5. 白蛇精与一位书生相爱并生一子。

    White Snake fell in love with a young scholar and gave birth to a son .

  6. 强氯精是一种有机氯消毒剂,可用于鱼病防治。

    Strong chlorine is a type of organic chlorine sterilization , which can be applied to control some fish disease .

  7. 他的文学作品少而精,一篇《鹦鹉赋》使他在文学史上占有一席之地。

    His literature works were little but excellent . " Fu on the parrot " made him occupy one seat on the literary history .

  8. 古代哲学精水合一的思想是构建肾藏象理论肾藏精与肾主水理论的哲学基础。

    Ancient philosophy , the essence water one idea is to build the renal phenomenological theory " kidney essence " and the philosophical basis of the theory of the kidney water .

  9. 制作燕麦烙饼:将1/2杯脱脂芝士1/2杯燕麦一个鸡蛋四个鸡蛋蛋清肉桂以及香草精放入一个中等大小的碗中混合。

    Make oatmeal pancakes.Mix1/2 cup cottage cheese , 1 / 2 cup oatmeal , one egg , four egg whites , the cinnamon , and the vanilla extract in a medium bowl .

  10. 结论该天然植物性洗洁精是一种基本无毒的产品,但对肾、睾丸组织的损害作用有待作进一步的毒性研究。

    Conclusion It suggested that the natural botanic detergent could be a kind of generally innoxious detergent and was not a mutagen , but it might be toxic to kidney and testicle tissue mildly .

  11. 然而商务旅游、奖励旅游等活动对于现代非旅游企业来说,无疑是一项繁琐但又必须做好、做精的一项业务,投入一定量的人力、物力是不合算也是不经济的。

    However , business tourism and incentive tourism activities are tedious but also necessary fine-making businesses for modern non-enterprises undoubtedly , which are not economic because they need a certain amount of material and human resources investment .

  12. 你想得没错,可是今天晚上有许多人在这家餐厅里谈生意。而且,我们费尽心思把来到奥斯陆的旅费控制在预算之内,所以我认为我们值得自我精赏一番。

    And you 'd be right , but there 's a lotof business going on here at this restaurant tonight , and after working so hardto come in under budget on our trip to Oslo , well , I thought we deserved atreat .

  13. 排精是这一周期性现象的前提和开始,没有排精就没有这种独特的周期性变化。

    Ejaculation was the premise and beginning of the 7 days ′ periodic phenomenon .

  14. 成形磨削是硬齿面齿轮精加工的一种方法。

    Gear form grinding is one of the finishing processes of gears with hard flank .

  15. 结论短时受精可作为降低多精受精的一种补充办法。

    Conclusion Short-time exposure of sperm can be taken as a supplement for reduction polyspermy .

  16. 精加工中一种预报补偿控制策略的可用条件分析

    Analysis of Applicable Conditions for a Kind of Forecasting Compensatory Control Strategy in Precision Machining Compensation

  17. 这字会议精每年举行一次。

    The meeting be held annually .

  18. 荷兰陶瓷之都代尔夫特崛起的历史动因与现实意义代尔夫特精陶是一种蓝白色的陶器。

    The Historical Motivations and Actual Significance of the Rise of Delft , Holland 's Capital of Pottery ;

  19. 为了使见解更加精辟,他聚集了大批的精晓每一个外交政策的顾问。

    To sharpen his thinking , he has assembled a regiment of advisers from every hue of the foreign-policy spectrum .

  20. 明清小说中的花精形象作为一类独特的文学形象,具有自己鲜明的审美特征。

    Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty novel Wizard of the flower as a unique literary image , which have distinct aesthetic features .

  21. 精冲作为一种精密成形技术,具有优质、高效、低耗的特点。

    As a type of precision forming technique , fine blanking has many advantages , such as high efficiency , high quality and low cost .

  22. 本文介绍了精加工中一种预报补偿控制策略及其典型控制系统结构,指出了存在的问题。

    A kind of forecasting compensatory control ( FCC ) strategy and its typical control system structure are introduced , with existed problems pointed out .

  23. 背景和目的:甘精胰岛素是一种在血液胰岛素水平中吸收常数无明显峰值并且作用持续24小时的基础胰岛素。

    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE : Insulin glargine as a basal insulin exhibits constant absorption with no pronounced peaks in blood insulin levels and24-h duration of action .

  24. 在螺旋锥齿轮硬齿面精加工这一环节上,我国与发达国家的差距尤为明显。

    There is an obvious disparity between our nation and other developed nations in the field of hard surface finish machining of the spiral bevel gear .

  25. 精冲模是一种精密、高效的产品生产装备。精冲零件广泛应用于航天、汽车、舰船等领域。

    Fine Blanking Die is a kind of complicated and efficient production tooling . It has been wildly applied in aero-industry , automobile and ship manufactory .

  26. 由于生精过程是一个复杂的非单向调节过程,因此不论是对细胞功能的刺激或抑制都有可能会对生精过程产生影响。

    Because the regulation of spermatogenesis is a complex and non-unidirectional process , any factors which can excite or inhibit the cell functions may affect the spermatogenesis .

  27. 观察组共211名患者接受胰岛素吸入剂联合甘精胰岛素(一种长效胰岛素注射剂,睡觉前注射控制血糖)治疗。

    A total of211 patients received inhaled insulin plus insulin glargine , a long-lasting form of insulin taken by injection , before bedtime to help manage blood sugar .

  28. 这一战,英军赢得重要胜利,但莫泊桑认为,这胜利要打折扣,因为那天战场上最精警的一句话,是路易说的。

    Though the battle was a decisive win for the English , Maupassant contends that their victory was somewhat muted as Louis had the best bon mot on the battlefield that day .

  29. 闭挤式精冲是一种全新的板料精冲成形工艺,可以实现低塑性板材和厚板材的精冲加工。

    Closed extruding fine-blanking is a kind of brand-new fine-blanking forming process , which can achieve fine-blanking processing of low plastic and thick plate ; it is an important supplement of common fine-blanking process .

  30. 精冲是一种先进的精密加工工艺,不仅加工出的零件断面光洁、质量高,而且具有高效、低耗、优质等特点,已广泛应用于工业生产中。

    Fine blanking is an advanced precision processing technology . The finished part has smooth edge and high quality . Because of high-efficient , low consumption , fine-quality and some other characteristics , fine-blanking has been widely used in industrial production .