
jīng xuǎn
  • selected;choice;concentration;culling;carefully chosen;sift;cherry-pick
精选 [jīng xuǎn]
  • [carefully chosen] 精心挑选

  • 这都是百里挑一精选出来的

精选[jīng xuǎn]
  1. 潜水层以下海滨砂矿毛矿精选新工艺研究

    Study on new technology for concentration of raw material from deep beach placer

  2. 硫化钠在黑白钨加温精选中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Sodium Sulfide in Heating Concentration of Wolframite and Scheelite

  3. 我的旅行笔记精选汇编成了一本书。

    The notes I made on my travels were distilled into a book .

  4. 为什么不吃今天的精选菜?

    Why not have the dish of the day ?

  5. 看看我们的秋季精选,然后挑出你想要的。

    See our selection of autumn favourites and take your pick .

  6. 这张精选集在1984年首次以唱片形式发行。

    This compilation was first issued on vinyl in 1984 .

  7. 他们有大量绝版的精选炉灶。

    They have a huge selection of discontinued cookers .

  8. 本章末尾列有一份有用的精选书目。

    At the end of this chapter there is a select bibliography of useful books .

  9. 商店正出售精选的苹果,所以我买了一磅。

    The shop was selling choice apples , so I bought a pound .

  10. 鲁宾诺夫说:"为这一小部分人提供这些机会的不只有精选的精英院校。"他补充说,大多数第一代本科生倾向于选择在线课程、两年制大学和通勤公立学校。

    " It 's not only the selective and elite institutions that provide those opportunities for a small subset of this population , " Rubinoff said , adding that a majority of first-generation undergraduates tend toward options such as online programs , two-year colleges , and commuter state schools .

  11. 购买巴克精选的锥形磨刀器和口袋磨刀器

    Check out Buck 's selection of tapered and pocket sharpeners .

  12. 我们精选最好的苹果制作馅饼

    We select only the choicest apples for our pies .

  13. 展厅面积3400平方米,展出1100多件精选出来的党史文物。

    More than 1100 selected items that highlight the Party 's history have been displayed in the exhibition area spanning 3400 square meters .

  14. 2000年发行的《黑与蓝》和2001年的精选集《Hits:ChapterOne》续写了他们的成功。

    The success continued with Black and Blue ( 2000 ) and Hits : Chapter One ( 2001 ) .

  15. 主题精选算法中Web邻域图的构造

    Web Neighborhood Graph Construction for Topic Distillation Algorithms

  16. 您的机油应该和早上喝的咖啡一样,精选又新鲜。choice在这里是形容词,表示“精选的,上等的”。

    Your motor oil should be as choice and fresh as your morning coffee .

  17. 这些测试人员可以是不参与最终SOA设计的精选用户或开发人员。

    These testers can be select users or developers who are not part of the final SOA design .

  18. 店家还格外注重精选本地材料,酥脆的脱脂乳饼干里的香肠来自隔壁的波特路肉铺(PorterRoadButcher);

    The sausage in a crumbly buttermilk biscuit is from Porter Road Butcher next door ;

  19. 发布的图片如何被评为CG精选奖?

    How is an image chosen for the CG Choice Award ?

  20. •NonprofitProfessionalsAdvisoryGroup&这是一家搜索公司,发布非营利性组织中的精选职位

    • nonprofit professionals Advisory Group & a search firm that posts select senior positions at Nonprofits

  21. 精选-优化辅助变量法及其仿真研究基于OIVPM的特征值确定ARMA模型的结构

    ARMA model order determination based on the eigenvalues of the overdetermined instrumental variable produce moment

  22. 经过一次粗选、一次精选,槽内产品实现回收率(以Al2O3计)75.03%,铝硅比10.66。

    Recovery ( Al2O3 ) of the product in the tank amounts to 75.03 % , A / S 10.66 .

  23. 这意味着很少会有人心血来潮去店里购买立体脆(Doritos)、山露威士忌(MountainDew)和肯尼•罗根斯的精选专辑(KennyLogginscompilationalbums)。

    That means fewer impulse purchases of Doritos , Mountain Dew and Kenny Loggins compilation albums .

  24. 本文给出一种用Windows造字程序创建一个经过精选的简谱音乐字符子集,从而可用常用办公字处理软件编辑简谱音乐文件的方法。

    The author described how to create an optimizing numbered musical notation character set with Windows word-formation program and gave the way to edit the numbered musical notation files by means of WPS .

  25. A-E方法的多目标车间排产方案精选决策

    Multi-objective Shop Scheduling Scheme Well-Chosen Decision Making Based on A-E Method

  26. OASISWeb服务可交互性(WS-I)成员部门汇集了来自跨不同平台,系统,和语言等领域的各个精选的标准小组的最佳实践。

    The OASIS Web Services Interoperability ( WS-I ) Member Section advances Best Practices for selected groups of standards , across platforms , operating systems , and programming languages .

  27. 用精选法求布尔函数的最小化解时,传统的作法是先求出质覆盖Z,然后从Z中挑选必要质蕴涵项。

    In minimizing a boolean function using the extraction method , the traditional steps are : getting the prime cover Z first ; and then extracting the essential prime implicant from Z.

  28. 其他试验包括计划在Netflix网站和一些精选Imax影院同时播映《卧虎藏龙》(CrouchingTiger,HiddenDragon)的续集。

    Other experimentation includes a plan to show the sequel to the movie Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon simultaneously on Netflix and in select Imax theaters .

  29. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)精选出了收入不足2亿美元、已经注册申报上市,或行业专家认为有可能在未来半年至一年内上市的13家公司。

    Fortune has selected 13 companies with revenues under $ 200 million that have registered to go public or that industry experts say may do so within the next six to 12 months .

  30. 你说英语的时候会犯错误吗?BBC英语教学部即将推出最新精选视频课程《英语小精灵》,从全新视角帮你攻克“中式英语”中常见难题。

    Coming soon from BBC Learning English is our all new video series The Chingles to help you improve your English and overcome Chinglish mistakes .