
  • 网络Severe aplastic anemia;Saa;SAA-I
  1. 结论:非亲缘脐血移植是治疗重型再障的一种有效的方法。

    Conclusion : Unrelated cord blood transplantation was an effective method for the treatment of SAA .

  2. 重型再障中CSA和雄激素联合应用的有效率为58.8%,单用雄激素有效率为33.3%。

    In severe AA , the rate was 58.8 % with cyclosporine A combined androgen versus 33.3 % with androgen alone .

  3. 结论异基因外周造血干细胞移植可有效治疗重型再障,抗CMV感染治疗应早期、足量、联合、长期。

    Conclusions allo-PBSCT is an effective therapy for SAA , and anti-CMV therapy should be used early , sufficient , combination and long_term .

  4. 方法对2例重型再障(SAA)和1例重型β-地中海贫血(TM)患者实施NST。

    Methods NST was performed for two patients with severe aplastic anemia ( SAA ) and one with beta-thalassemia major ( TM ) .

  5. 方法:应用流式细胞术检测22例重型再障(SAA)患者和12轻型再障(CAA)患者外周血T细胞共刺激信号分子CD28和B细胞CD28配体CD80和CD86的表达。

    Methods : The expression of costimulatory molecule CD28 in T cells and the expressions of the CD28 ligands of CD80 and CD86 in B lymphocytes in AA patients were determined by flow cytometry .

  6. 结果:重型再障患者IL-2、IL-12、IFN-γ、TNFα表达显著增高,IL4、IL10表达无显著性变化。

    Results : The expression of IL-2 , IL-12 , IFN - γ and TNF - α were significantly higher in SAA , but significant changes of IL-4 and IL-10 in SAA patients were not found .

  7. 方法:选2例重型再障(severaplasticanemia,SAA)患者及1例正常人,用免疫磁珠法分离纯化外周血CD8+T细胞。

    METHODS : CD8 + T cells were isolated from peripheral blood of two patients with severe aplastic anemia ( SAA ) and one normal person by Ficoll-Hypaque gradient centrifugation and then were purified by immunomagnetic microbead separation .

  8. 部分重型再障(SAA)加用抗胸腺细胞球蛋白(ATG)或大剂量免疫球蛋白(HDIG),均以雄性激素作为辅助治疗。

    Part of the patients with severe aplastic anemia ( SAA ) were treated with combination of CSA and antithymocyte globulin ( ATG ) and / or high dose immunoglobulin ( HDIG ) .

  9. 环孢菌素A治疗成人重型再障9例

    Clinical Therapy with Cyclosporin A in Nine Patient with Adult Severe Aplastic Anemia

  10. 慢性再障的治疗有效率为68.2%,重型再障为53.1%,纯红再障为77.8%。

    Treatment effective rate was 68.2 % of chronic AA , 53.1 % of severe AA and 77.8 % of pure red cell aplastic anemia .

  11. 方法:用免疫分选法分别从1名初诊重型再障患者及对照的骨髓中富集CD34+和CD3+细胞。

    Methods : CD34 + cells and CD3 + T cells were enriched from BM aspirates , respectively by positive and negative immunomagnetic sorting protocol .