
  1. 在发展型战略的三种类型中,选择一体化战略和重点集中战略。

    In the three types of development strategy , integration strategy and concentrated strategy can be chosen .

  2. 后向一体化战略的目的是保证原料供应;重点集中战略的目的是实现更高的产品附加值。

    The backward integration strategy can ensure the material supplement . The concentrated strategy can realize higher product added-value .

  3. 中小企业适宜采用差异化的重点集中战略,在自身有竞争力的细分市场里巩固优势。

    For those smaller enterprises , the differentiation centralization strategy should be proper to consolidate their competitive advantages in each specified market .

  4. 据此,迈克尔·波特在其1980年出版的《竞争战略》一书中提出了三种基本竞争战略,即成本领先战略,差别化战略和重点集中战略。

    Based on this theory , M.E.Porter put forward three basic competition strategies in his " Competitive Strategy " published in 1980 : low-cost leader strategy , product difference strategy and emphatic concentration strategy .

  5. 通过分析表明,竞争优势来源于价值链的不同环节以及成本领先战略、产品/市场差异化战略和重点集中战略等。

    In our opinion , competitive advantages can be gained from different taches of the value chain , cost leadership strategy , product / market differentiation strategy and one point focus strategy as well .