
xué xí qū xiàn
  • learning curve
  1. 还有人说把学习曲线效应和经验曲线效应看成给定的不对。

    Others claim that it is a mistake to see either learning curve effects or experience curve effects as a given .

  2. 一旦你超越了最初的学习曲线,编织和钩织就可以降低心率和血压。

    Once you get beyond the initial learning curve , knitting and crocheting can lower heart rate and blood pressure .

  3. 如果说有不好的一面,那就是昂贵的学习曲线(learningcurve)。

    If there 's a downside , it is the expense of the learning curve .

  4. e时代的学习曲线变革与成本创新启示

    Thoughts for Transformation of Learning Curve and Cost Innovation in E-era

  5. 专注于代码但缺乏SOA知识的开发者将会有一个陡峭的学习曲线。

    Code oriented developers without SOA knowledge will have a steep learning curve .

  6. 河北省COD排放环境学习曲线及减排潜力研究

    Environmental Learning Curve and Emission Reduction Potential of COD in Hebei Province

  7. 基于环境学习曲线的中国省际COD排放及减排潜力分析

    COD emissions in China and its reduction potential based on the environmental learning curve

  8. 因为Groovy是Java的一个超集,所以从Java到Groovy的学习曲线是十分平直的。

    As a super-set of Java , it has a very straight-forward learning curve from Java .

  9. 由于Java语法也是有效的Groovy语法,因此最开始的学习曲线实际上是不存在的。

    Because Java syntax is valid Groovy syntax as well , the initial learning curve is practically nonexistent .

  10. 这些产品和其它基于Eclipse的产品降低了用户的“学习曲线”,因为它们具有类似的用户界面。

    These products and others based on Eclipse diminish the user 's learning curve because of their similar UI .

  11. 然而,他的演讲中有这样一句话:尽管随着我们goforward,学习曲线肯定将变得平坦,但今年这条曲线较为陡峭。

    Yet sitting in the middle of it was the following sentence . Still , although the learning curve will certainly flatten as we go forward , this year it was steep .

  12. 由IBM专家主持的免费技术会议,帮助您加快学习曲线并在最困难的软件项目中获得成功。

    Free technical sessions by IBM experts to accelerate your learning curve and help you succeed in your most difficult software projects .

  13. 由于Ruby更接近函数式语言,它的学习曲线是三者之中最高的。

    Given its closer functional ties , the learning curve for Ruby is highest of the three .

  14. 对多数用户来说,把linux机器改造成“个人”计算机所需的学习曲线也是非常陡的。

    For most users , the learning curve required to transform a Linux box into a " personal " computer is too steep .

  15. 但是跟所有计算机语言一样,XPath也有学习曲线。

    But as with all computer languages , XPath comes with a learning curve .

  16. 同时这又减少了开发SOA应用程序的学习曲线、减少了成本,及加快了商业应用程序交付。

    This in turn reduces the learning curve associated with developing SOA applications , reduces costs , and enables faster delivery of business applications .

  17. 利用ASP的客户学习曲线和网络正反馈效应,较为系统的探讨了ASP的运营特点以及ASP发展的基本条件;

    The operation characteristics and fundamental conditions of ASP are discussed , facilitating ASP customer learning curve and network positive feedback effects .

  18. 这种组织学习曲线对于不怎么能适应变化的公司会伤害SOA的成果,但是那些坚持下来的公司会发现它对SOA成果还是有价值的。

    This organization learning curve for companies less adaptable to change has hurt the SOA effort , but those who persist find its worth the effort .

  19. 而且一旦将这条学习曲线拉直,Groovy就能提供一个无与伦比的快速开发平台。

    And once that learning curve has straightened out , Groovy can offer an unparalleled rapid development platform .

  20. 这种类型的框架也将彻底降低学习曲线,因为开发者只需要学习很少的API就可以完成给与的任务。

    This type of framework would also drastically reduce the learning curve , since a developer would need to learn fewer APIs to accomplish a given task .

  21. 像所有Groovy一样,语法的设计目标是较短的学习曲线和较大的回报。

    Like all of Groovy , the syntax was designed for a short learning curve and a big payoff .

  22. 撇开冲动的原因,创建基于JMS的应用的过程存在它自己的学习曲线和大量的最佳实践。

    No matter the motivating factors , creating a JMS based solution has its own learning curve and collection of best practices .

  23. 与其他语言相比,Groovy对于Java开发者无疑提供了最平滑的学习曲线,这得益于两者非常相似的语法。

    Compared with other languages , Groovy is certainly the language that provides the flattest learning curve to Java developers , thanks to a very similar syntax .

  24. 这会增加BPMN建模的学习曲线,可能不利于进一步的采用。

    This will increase the learning curve for BPMN modeling and might hinder a further adoption .

  25. 安永(Ernst&Young)驻伦敦的雇主品牌主管理查德•乔丹(RichardJordan)表示:学习曲线产生效果的时间大大缩短了。

    The learning curve for becoming effective is much shorter , says Richard Jordan , head of employer brand at Ernst & Young in London .

  26. 最终,凭借相当平滑的学习曲线,Grails给开发者带来了让Rails在Java开发者中取得巨大成功的生产效率。

    In the end , Grails brings the developer productivity that made Rails such a big success to Java developers with an extremely shallow learning curve .

  27. 而Eclipse或Derby的新用户也可以从这个解决方案中受益;不过,学习曲线会更陡峭一些。

    Users new to Eclipse or Derby can also benefit from this solution ; however , the learning curve will be a little bit steeper .

  28. ServiceMix的一个缺点是进入JBI的学习曲线。

    A downside of ServiceMix is the learning curve to get into JBI .

  29. 尽管Solo提供了一种强大的系统来让你最终部署到云上,我们还是为现有服务平滑了学习曲线。

    While Solo provides a powerful system for getting that final deployment into the cloud , we smooth the learning curve with our existing offering .

  30. 最后,良好且集成的文档将有助于缩短用户的学习曲线,EclipseUserAssistance项目也提供了帮助用户入门的工具。

    In the end , good and integrated documentation can go a long way in reducing the learning curve of your users and the Eclipse User Assistance project provides the tools to get you started .