
xué shù xiū jiǎ
  • sabbatical
  1. 于是他申请了学术休假,离开香港的家搬到这里,进入斯坦福大学攻读科学与管理硕士学位。

    He requested a sabbatical and enrolled for a Masters in Science and Management , also at Stanford , relocating from his home in Hong Kong .

  2. 1880年起源于美国哈佛大学的大学教师学术休假制度,经过一个多世纪的发展已经成为美国高等教育中一种重要的师资培养制度。

    Sabbatical leave was originated in the Harvard University in 1880 . After developing for more than a century , it has become an very important faculty training system in the United States .