
  1. 她曾反抗刻板的学校生活。

    She rebelled against the regimentation of school life .

  2. 我从中学退学了,那种学校生活令我烦得要死。

    I dropped out of high school . It bored me to death .

  3. 他觉得学校生活很无聊,期待发生一些令人兴奋的事情。

    He thinks school life is boring and looks forward to something exciting .

  4. 暑假是一段与学校生活不同的时光。

    The summer vaction is a time to enjoy a change from the school year .

  5. 学校生活回忆起来显得比实际上要快乐。

    One 's school life seems happier in retrospect than in reality .

  6. 以人口统计学特征和学校生活满意度为自变量,分别以抑郁、焦虑症状、危害健康行为为因变量,进行Logistic回归分析。

    Logistic regression analysis was conducted , with independent variables of demographic characters and school life satisfaction and dependent variables of anxiety and depression symptoms and health-risk behaviors .

  7. LD儿童的主观生活质量总量表分和认知及情感成份得分均低于对照组儿童(P<0.01),在家庭和学校生活、生活环境、自我认识、抑郁和焦虑体验的得分亦低于对照组儿童;

    In addition , the score of subjective quality of life , cognition and affection , life of family and school , living environment , self-cognition , experience of depression and anxiety among LD children was lower than that of the control group .

  8. 学校生活回忆起来显得比实际上要快乐

    One 's school life seem happier in retrospect than in reality

  9. 我国农村寄宿制学校生活教师问题研究

    Research on Caretaker of Boarding School in Rural Area of China

  10. 她正在为下周的学校生活做准备。

    She 's getting ready for the week ahead at school .

  11. 要适应新学校生活需要一段时间。

    It takes time to adjust to a new school .

  12. 如此,我就可以享受一段愉快而无忧无虑的学校生活。

    Thus , I could enjoy a pleasant and carefree school life .

  13. 课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。

    The after school activity is necessary in school life .

  14. 我的学校生活非常精彩,不是吗?

    My school life is wonderful , isn 't it ?

  15. 军校大学生学校生活满意度量表的编制

    The Compilation of a School Life Satisfaction Scale for Military College Students

  16. 写作目标:写写你的学校生活。

    I.Writing goal : Write something about your school life .

  17. 在他们的学校生活当中,美国人学习许多运动。

    Throughout their school life , Americans learn to play many sports .

  18. 蒂姆一点也不喜欢学校生活。

    Tim didn 't like his school life at all .

  19. 挺好的,我喜欢这儿的学校生活。

    It 's very nice , I like the school life here .

  20. 他想更多的了解美国的学校生活。

    He want to learn more about the schoollife in U.S.A.

  21. 下面是她关于新的学校生活的日记。

    Below is her diary about her new school life .

  22. 他喜欢看有关学校生活的电视节目。

    He likes watching a TV programme about school life .

  23. 在学校生活中,最让你骄傲的是什么事?

    What events were you most pound of during you school life ?

  24. 它意味着没有每天六个小时的学校生活。

    It means that there is no school every weekday for six hours .

  25. 他们在谈论学校生活。

    They are talking about the life in school .

  26. 甘肃省农村学校生活饮用水卫生调查分析

    Sanitary investigation and analysis of drinking water in rural schools of Gansu Province

  27. 父母也被要求参与孩子们的学校生活。

    Parents are encouraged to share in the school life of their children .

  28. 那个女孩发现很难适应新的学校生活。

    The girl found it difficult to fit into the new school life .

  29. 我们的学校生活多么快乐啊!

    What a happy life we have at school .

  30. 我从没想到学校生活会是如此多姿多彩。

    I had never imagined school would have this rich variety of experiences .