
  • 网络Learning to cooperate;learning to live together;learn to live together;Learning to together
  1. 学会合作是人类学会共同生活,学会与他人一起生活的重要方面,合作能力已经成为人全面发展必不可少的一项指标。

    For mankind , learning to be co-operative is the most important aspects of " learning to live together with others and learn to survive in the symbiosis circle " . Co-operation ability has become one of the essential index for an all-around developed individual .

  2. 国际21世纪教育委员会向联合国教科文组织提交的报告《教育&财富蕴藏其中》指出:学会合作是面向21世纪的四大教育支柱之一。

    The report " Learning : The Treasure Within ", reported to UNESCO by the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century , points out : learning to live together is one of the four pillars of education .

  3. 这是学会合作的好机会。

    It 's a good chance to learn about working together .

  4. 学会合作,是当代学生所应具备的基本素质。

    Learning to cooperate is the basic diathesis of contemporary students .

  5. 我们为大家的利益而学会合作。6.

    We learned to pull together for the good of all .

  6. 学会合作并尊重同事

    Learn to be co-operative and respect your colleague

  7. 情商简而言之:自我认识,自我调适,自我控制,学会合作。

    Emotional Intelligence is basically : self-awareness , self-direction , self-control and learning to cooperate .

  8. 开始要学会合作。

    Learn first that lesson of cooperation .

  9. 并且学会合作,在合作中确立自己的专业地位。

    They should learn to cooperate , and set up the professional status in cooperation .

  10. 早期的采猎者学会合作,而儿童在没有成年人的照顾和保护时会死去。

    Early hunter-gatherers learned to work together , and children perished without the care and protection of an adult .

  11. 这种机会并不多,在例会上将强调如何教育孩子学会合作。

    These types of opportunities are scarce , and pack meetings highlight how Cub Scouting teaches boys cooperation and collaboration .

  12. 要更好地指导学生合作,中学教师首先要学会合作。

    In order to instruct the students to co-operate better , high school teacher should first learn how to co-operate .

  13. 在第一天后,人们开始变得习惯于中断,纽约人,他们学会合作。

    After the first day , so people get used to the disruption , New Yorkers , they learn to cooperate .

  14. 使学生学会合作,学会学习,顺利完成历史教学的有效性。

    Students learn to cooperate , learn how to learn , the successful completion of the effectiveness of the teaching of history .

  15. 在当今社会学会合作是发展的前提,将合作学习理论融入到传统的实验教学中,合理地组建和引导实验小组,使学生从中得到更多的知识。

    Students will get much knowledge by fusing the cooperation study theory to the conventional experimental teaching , reasonably setting up and inducting experimental group .

  16. 在课程实施上,提倡教师教学方式的多样化,激发学生的兴趣,让学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手、学会合作。

    The three-dimensional target advocates more diversity of teaching methods in curriculum implementation , and teachers should inspire students to participate and think actively and learns to cooperate .

  17. 再次要学会合作,争取他人的支持,让自己驶入进步的快车道,抓住一切机会,让自己成功。

    Moreover , they should learn to cooperate to achieve the support of others , so that their progress into the fast lane , seize every opportunity to own success .

  18. 与人合作,不仅是一种良好的品行,也是一种有效的生存策略,学会合作已经成为新世纪对人们的一个基本要求。

    Cooperation with others is not only a good morality , but also an effective survival strategy ; learning to cooperate is becoming a basis requirement for people in new century .

  19. 学生在与他人交流共同探索的过程中,培养思维能力、形成思考习惯、养成应用意识,学会合作。

    In the process of communication with others , students can cultivate their ideation , build the habit of thinking , get the consciousness of application , and learn to corporate .

  20. 这需要教师学会合作,依靠教师团体的智慧和力量来对教学中遇到的问题进行商讨、研究,共同寻求解决问题的办法与途径。

    This requires teachers to learn co-operation , relying on the wisdom and strength of groups of teachers to discuss , research the problems in teaching and jointly seek ways and means to solve the problems .

  21. 本研究与实践充分发挥学生的主体作用,让学生学会合作、学会共享,让学生学习策略的形成得到相互影响,在教师的干预指导下得到有效形成。

    My study arid the practice make students become the main function , let the students learn to cooperate , learn to enjoy , the form of students ' learning strategy will have an effect on them each other .

  22. 通过班主任的心理健康教育,应使学生产生积极健康的情感,进而在这种情感的推动下,让学生在全身心积极参与学习实践活动中,学会合作,磨练意志,敞开心扉,学会创新,感受成功

    Mental health education class , students should have a positive emotional health , and feelings in such a promotion , to enable students to actively participate in learning in the heart of practice , learning cooperation , training will open their hearts and learn to innovate feelings of success

  23. 要学会共同合作,主动寻求学术支持;

    Should learn to cooperate and seek academic support actively ;

  24. 在模拟实验过程活动中学生学会了合作与分享;

    The students learn cooperation and sharing at the process of simulation experiment .

  25. 更重要的是,这一帮我们学会互相合作。

    What 's more , it an help us to learn to co-operate with each other .

  26. 1995年与外交学会建立合作关系,多次合办研讨会、组织互访。

    It started cooperation with the CPIFA in1995 and had co-organized several seminars and exchanges of visits .

  27. 他与史密森学会一起合作,在华盛顿的艺术节上举办纪念丝绸之路沿途国家和人民的活动。

    He joined with the Smithsonian Institution to honor the people and the countries of the Silk Road at the festival in washington .

  28. 或许他们之前还表达了一起打球的愿望,意思是他们要学会相互合作。

    Perhaps they did this after expressing hope that they could play ball with each other , meaning that they could learn to cooperate .

  29. 可以毫不夸张地说学会如何合作在一个人的职业中是至关重要的因素。因素。

    It is no overstatement ( exaggeration ) to say that learning to cooperate with others is the key factor in one 's career .

  30. 第二点感悟主要与团队合作及如何学会团队合作有关,更具有全球性。

    The second reflection I would share has to do with teamwork , and how we learn about it ; and this is more of a global one .