
  1. 中国美术学院雕塑系教师第二回作品展&突围

    A Second Works Exhibition of Teachers of China Painting Institute

  2. 广西美术学院雕塑系

    Sculpture Department of Guangxi Academy of Fine Arts

  3. 毕业于广州美术学院雕塑系,学士学位。

    Graduated from sculpture department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts , bachelor degree .

  4. 隋建国现时生活在北京,在中央美术学院雕塑系任教。

    Sui lives in Beijing and teaches at Beijing 's Central Academy of Fine Arts .

  5. 大地情怀&鲁迅美术学院雕塑系2006年大地艺术课程回放

    Emotion to the Earth & Reviewing 2006 the Earth Arts Curriculum of the Sculpture Department , LuXun Fine Arts Institute

  6. 主办:红专厂艺术生活区,广东省美术家协会雕塑委员会,广州美术学院雕塑系。

    Organizer : Redtory Art and Living District , Guangdong Provincial Artist Association Sculpture Committee , Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts .

  7. 中央美术学院雕塑艺术创作研究所八位女雕塑家所组成的女雕塑家群体,不管是在近代雕塑史上还是在女性艺术史上都是一个独有的现象。

    The Group of Eight Sculptresses in CAFA Sculpture Creation Institution is a unique phenomenon no matter in the contemporary sculpture history or in the feminie art history .

  8. 大型泥塑《收租院》是由四川美术学院雕塑系师生与民间艺人共同创作的。

    The clay group sculpture , Rent Collection Yard , was created by students and teachers from the sculpture department of the Sichuan academy of Fine arts and folk artists .

  9. 受父亲的影响,高敏从小就爱上了禾雕,后来又考上中国美术学院雕塑系。

    With his fathers influence , Gao Min became interested in wood carving from an early age , and later he was admitted to the China Academy of Fine Arts .

  10. 马辉,生于西安。1993年西安美术学院雕塑系毕业获得学士学位并进入陕西省雕塑院工作至今。

    In1993 , graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts Sculpture Department received a bachelor 's degree and enter the Sculpture Court of Shaanxi Province , the work so far .

  11. 全国农业展览馆的两座大型雕塑是由鲁迅美术学院雕塑系师生集体创作的。

    The two sculpture groups in the square in front of the China agriculture Exhibition Center were created by students and teachers from the sculpture department of the Lu Xun academy of Fine arts .

  12. 中央美术学院雕塑系雕塑系的教学主体曾有为以王临乙、滑田友、刘开渠、曾竹韶等为代表的留法归来的一代雕塑家。

    The Scuipture Department The main teaching force of the Sculpture Department were mainly sculptors who had studied in France , such as Wang Linyi , Hua Tianyou , Liu Kaiqu , Zeng Zhushao .

  13. 从列宾美术学院谈雕塑基础教学

    Talking about Teaching Basic Courses of Sculpture from Ilya Repin Institute of Arts

  14. 科内利亚是位艺术指导,曾在位于罗马的美国学院学习雕塑。

    Cornelia was an art instructor who had studied sculpture at the American Academy in Rome ;

  15. 他是京都城市大学艺术雕塑系博士学位的获得者,也曾在伦敦皇家艺术学院研习过雕塑。

    He has a Phd in Fine Art Sculpture from Kyoto City University and also studied sculpture at London 's Royal College of Art .

  16. 福州大学工艺美术学院漆画·漆雕塑作品选

    Work Selection of Lacquer Painting and Sculpture from the Arts & Crafts College of Fuzhou University

  17. 史金淞1969年出生于湖北丹阳,1994年进入湖北美术学院学习,主修雕塑。

    Born in Danyang County , Hubei Province in1969 , Shi Jinsong enrolled at the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts in1994 , majoring in sculpture .