
  1. 嘿,那不就是那个有名的厨子冯远吗?

    Hey , isn 't that Feng Yuan , the famous cook ?

  2. 法官几乎不会判定为家暴,因为中国现行法律并未作出明确清晰的界定,北京反家暴网络的活动家冯远说。

    Judges almost never define a case as ' domestic violence ' because the current law in China is not specific or clear enough , said Feng Yuan , a leading activist with the Anti-Domestic Violence Network in Beijing .

  3. 冯远借助于写意人物画的创作,反映了历史与当代人物的种种生活面貌和精神状态,体现了其深厚的文化修养、人生态度,而色彩在他的绘画创作中扮演着极其重要的角色。

    With the help of freehand figure painting creation , Feng Yuan reflects the historical and contemporary figures of various aspects of life and mental state , manifesting the culture , life attitude , profound , and the color plays a very important role in his painting .