
  • 网络Feng Family;Fung Ka
  1. 冯家还有老爷、太太、孙少爷。

    They also have sons and daughters-in-law and grandchildren living together with them .

  2. 其实到了冯家也会有好日子过。

    Maybe your life will be comfortable there .

  3. 她去冯·特拉普家照顾他家的七个孩子。

    She went to the Von Trapp family to care for seven children .

  4. 因此,女士们,先生们,冯·特普家再次向诸位道别。

    And so , ladies and gentlemen , the family Von Trapp again , to bid you farewell .

  5. 26岁的艾丽西娅•冯在一家律师事务所工作,最近刚刚从美国来到中国的她发现,中国人和自己以前在加州的朋友完全不同。

    Alicia Feng , 26 , who works for a law firm , recently arrived in China from the US and has found that people are very different from her peers back in California .

  6. 这部音乐电影背后有一个真实的故事:冯?特拉普一家组建了一个合唱团,1938年,他们成功逃离了当时被纳粹占领的奥地利。

    The musical is based on the true story of the von Trapp family who formed a singing troupe and escaped from Nazi-occupied Austria in1938 .

  7. 在故事中,玛利亚是一名会唱歌的修女(由朱丽·安德鲁斯饰演),她离开了修道院,成为了冯·崔普家的一名家庭教师。

    In the story , Maria , a singing nun played by Julie Andrews , leaves her convent to become the governess of the von Trapps .