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  • 网络Peking's time-honored brand
  1. 北京老字号品牌消费心理与消费行为研究

    Research of consumer psychology and behavior on Beijing famous old brand

  2. 要在激烈的品牌竞争中逐步摆脱重重困境,北京老字号企业必须从提升品牌竞争力着手改进现状。

    To get rid of the rattrap in brand competition , Beijing old established firms must be improved on brand competitive ability .

  3. 根据影响品牌竞争力的主要因素,笔者分析了北京老字号企业的品牌现状。

    According to those main factors of brand competitive ability , the author analyses the brand actualities of Beijing old established firms .

  4. 并结合实证分析结果,找出了影响北京老字号企业的相关因素,并提出了有针对性的品牌管理建议。

    Combined results of the research , we find out the relevant affecting factors of Beijing time-honored enterprises and made recommendations for brand management .

  5. 可是,许多北京老字号企业是历经数百年的经典品牌,比大多国际品牌的历史还长,其字号本身就是一大批无形资产。

    However , many Beijing old established firms are classical brands have been through several hundred years , longer than most of foreign brands . The firm itself is large quantities of intangible assets .

  6. 品牌理论研究(3)北京中华老字号品牌寿命研究

    The Research on Life-span of China Old and Reputable Shops in Beijing

  7. 提高北京商业老字号的品牌实力

    Improve the Competitive Power of the Trade Marks of Beijing Old Business Enterprises

  8. 北京商业老字号是北京城作为世界著名历史文化遗产的重要组成部分。

    Beijing old business enterprises are important component parts of Beijing historical relics .

  9. 现有的经济学理论和模型中缺少全面针对品牌的分析,导致品牌理论与实践的双重混乱。品牌理论研究(3)北京中华老字号品牌寿命研究

    The economics theory and models have not analyzed brand systematically . The Research on Life-span of China Old and Reputable Shops in Beijing

  10. 北京是老字号的发源地之一,北京孕育了带有中华民族浓郁民族特点和享誉国内外的老字号。

    Beijing is one of the birthplaces of Old Beijing , Beijing has given birth to a strong national characteristics of the Chinese nation and the long-established reputation at home and abroad .

  11. 文章从生态的视角,对北京中华老字号品牌兴衰的原因进行了分析总结,并结合实例提出了促使北京老字号兴旺发达的对策和建议。

    The article analyzes the rise and fall reasons of China old and reputable shops in Beijing from the angle of ecology , based on which the authors put forward the countermeasures and proposals to promote these shops to be thriving .

  12. 因此,本文另辟一章,专门对北京地区的商业老字号保护问题提出了自己的看法和思考。

    Therefore , a separate chapter , and put forward their own views and thinking specifically commercial protection of old Beijing .

  13. 据《北京晚报》报道,北京老字号清华池近日首次进入大学校园,面向大学生招聘“修脚”传统技艺传承人。

    Bejing 's time honored public bathhouse Qinghuachi has gone to college for the first time to recruit for its traditional technique-chiropody , the Beijing Evening News reported .