
  1. 我在北京有影响力。

    I got pull in Beijing .

  2. 此类企业继续投入大量资源游说,因为在华盛顿、布鲁塞尔或北京拥有影响力,从防御性的角度来说是明智的。

    Such businesses continue to pour resources into lobbying because having a voice in Washington or Brussels , or Beijing makes sense defensively .

  3. 北京一些具有影响力、为国家发改委(解振华担任副主任)等政府部门提供建议的智库和研究机构一直在评估排放量可能在何时见顶。

    The influential Beijing think-tanks and institutes that advise ministries such as the National Development and Reform Commission , where Mr Xie is vice-chairman , have been working on an assessment of a likely peaking period .

  4. 液态奶营养调整对北京居民消费意向影响力的调查

    Influence of nutrient modification of liquid milk products on purchasing intention of Beijing consumers

  5. 虽然斯皮尔伯格并没有将苦难归咎于中国,但这位导演说北京应该利用其影响力来争取转机。

    While not blaming China for the suffering , the director said Beijing should be using its influence to push for change .

  6. 许多香港市民认为赴港购物的大陆游客素质低,而且认为他们的到来是北京对香港事务影响力越来越大的一种迹象,并因此而感到厌恶。

    Many Hong Kong residents view the crowds of shopping mainlanders as uncouth and resent their presence as a sign of Beijing 's growing influence on the self-governing city 's affairs .