
  1. 北京南郊沙地风蚀物理特征及防护对策研究&以大兴区为例

    Physical Principle of Wind Erosion in Sand Land and Countermeasures & A case study of Daxing district in southern Beijing

  2. 2000年,全国神哲学院第二度的搬迁,移至北京南郊大兴县一处更广阔的校舍。

    Tu Shihua . In2000 , the National Seminary experienced a second transplant to a larger place in Daxing , south-suburbs of Beijing .

  3. 于2001年12月至2002年1月在北京南郊大兴县用激光雷达观测了气溶胶的空间分布,获得了北京地区边界层气溶胶的空间分布及其变化特点。

    Experiments of observing aerosol distribution by a lidar were performed at the southern suburb of Beijing in the winter of 2001 . We obtained the spatial distributions of aerosol extinction and their variations .