
  1. 新筑的水坝将会在后面形成一个人工湖。

    The new dam will form a large artificial lake behind it .

  2. 生产商利用新筑的铁路将货物发送到广大区域。

    Manufacturers used the newly built railroads to distribute their products over wide areas .

  3. 新筑灞河大桥检测评定及维修加固研究

    Research into detection and assessment of Bahe bridge in Xinzhu and its maintenance and reinforcement

  4. 新筑冻土路堤温度场的变化过程

    Temperature field evolution in newly-built permafrost embankment

  5. 在关于新筑道路的争端上,政府将作为最终的裁决者。

    The government will be the final arbiter in the dispute over the new road .

  6. 通过降低炉内棒材的出炉温度,局部选用新筑炉材料和严格管理等措施,在资金投入少的情况下,取得了明显的节能效果。

    By taking measures of lowing the bar temperature , using new refractory material , and strict management , distinct energy saving effect was obtained .

  7. 本文提出的新夯筑法,为既有村镇生土结构房屋的加固改造和新建提供了经济可行、科学合理的实用技术。

    This new technology of construction methods offer feasible , economic , scientific and reasonable practical technology for reinforcing , reforming and building of raw soil houses .

  8. 其实国内建设速度飞快,很多地方新修了马路,新筑了大桥,缩短了好长的距离。

    In fact , my hometown has been undergoing a fast development , and new roads and bridges have been built here and there , which greatly shorten the distance between two places .

  9. 万象在更新;新顶出的嫩芽,嫩叶把榆树摇曳的枝梢着上一层金黄,就是屋檐下的鸟巢也是新筑的;—

    All things are new ; - the buds , the leaves , That gild the elm-tree 's nodding crest , And even the nest beneath the eaves ;