
  • 网络new poly plaza
  1. 北京新保利大厦结构抗震设计

    Aseismatic Design on the Structure of Beijing New Poly Plaza

  2. 新保利大厦特式吊楼结构的抗震分析与设计

    Seismic Analysis and Design of Lantern Structure of Beijing New Poly Plaza

  3. 新保利大厦非对称多塔连体结构动力特性与抗震设计

    Dynamic Characteristics and Anti-seismic Design of New Poly Plaza Unsymmetrical Multi-tower-connected Structures

  4. 介绍了带暗支撑剪力墙在新保利大厦工程中的设计与应用情况。

    The application result of the hidden support is introduced in Beijing New Poly plaza .

  5. 结合北京新保利大厦项目,基于复杂多塔连体结构的地震动力响应特点,深入分析了多塔连体结构的抗震设计方法。

    Based on a real project , the design scheme of the sky-bridge of the multi-tower-connected building is proposed and analyzed .

  6. 对北京新保利大厦这一不规则的高层钢框架-型钢混凝土核心筒混合结构进行了1∶20缩尺比的结构模型模拟地震振动台试验研究。

    Shaking table test results of a 1 / 20 scaled structural model of Beijing New Poly plaza , a high-rise steel frame-steel reinforced concrete tube hybrid building , are summarized .

  7. 以北京新保利大厦为实例,分析了非对称多塔连体结构的动力特性,进行了弹塑性分析以及振动台试验研究,总结了设计要点。

    It was analyzed that the dynamic characteristic of complicated multi-tower-connected structures with the sample of Beijing New Poly Plaza , made the study of shaking table experiment and Push-over analysis , drew the design key point .

  8. 新保利大厦项目采用了悬挂吊楼、高位空腹桁架转换层、巨型桁架转换层与三个不等刚度的剪力墙筒体组成了动力特性复杂的非对称多塔连体混合结构体系。

    New Poly Plaza is the architecture system of unsymmetrical multi-tower-connected mixed structures which possesses complex dynamical characteristic and is made up of suspend-floor construction , transfer structure of high Vierendeel truss , transfer structure of huge truss and three shearwall sleeves of different rigidity .