
  • 网络news picture;news photo
  1. 基于J2EE的大型新闻图片图表管理系统

    J2EE-based large-scale news picture & diagram management system

  2. 新闻图片传真信号预测统计特性的计算

    The Calculation of Predictive Statistic Characteristics for News Picture Facsimile Signals

  3. 网站的新闻图片管理,一直是新闻类网站的一个技术难点,很多网站缺少该功能,或者仅提供插入图片URL。

    The management of website news images is always the technical difficulty of news website . Most of websites lack of this functionality and use the method of inserting the image hyperlinks to add news images .

  4. 本论文是基于J2ME的手机即时新闻图片上传系统。J2ME(Java2microedition)是近年来随着各种不同设备,尤其是移动通信设备的飞速发展而诞生的一项新的开发技术。

    The title of this dissertation is News Photo Uploading System with Cell Phone Based on J2ME ( Java 2 Micro Edition ) . J2ME is a kind of fast developing technology implemented on various devices especially mobile communication equipments .

  5. 视觉文化视域下的网络新闻图片研究

    Study on the Web News Picture Based on Visual Culture Theories

  6. 多模态批评话语分析研究&以英国《太阳报》的一幅新闻图片为例

    Analysis of a Picture in The Sun by Multi-Modal and Critical Discourse

  7. 发挥新闻图片在报刊中的作用

    Exerting the functions of news pictures in newspapers and periodicals

  8. 永远不允许扭曲新闻图片或视频的内容。

    Never distort the content of news photos or video .

  9. 一种基于小波变换与分形编码的新闻图片检索方法

    A News-Picture Retrieval Method Based on DWT and Fractal Coding

  10. 澳联社在国内的传播通讯网使用电传,微波和新闻图片线路。

    Its national communication 's network includes telegraphic data , microwave and news picture circuits .

  11. 精选当周一张有趣的新闻图片。

    A selection of interesting news photograph .

  12. 这张新闻图片被网友们叫做2010年最给力图片。

    The news picture is voted by netizens as " the most gelivable picture of2010 " .

  13. 我在新闻图片中一眼就认出了她。王先生在接受《中国日报》采访时称。

    I recognized her at a glance from a news photo , Wang told China Daily .

  14. 另一条新闻图片显示,救援人员把这些猪拖到安全的地方,然后赶上卡车。

    Another news report showed pictures of rescuers dragging the creatures to safety and herding them on trucks .

  15. 新闻图片系统主要用于中文系新闻图片的上传和管理。

    News Picture System ( NPS ) is used to upload and manage Chinese Department 's news pictures .

  16. 网络新闻图片在迅速发展的同时也面临着一系列的问题。

    Picture of network news is in the rapidlydeveloping , at the same time facing a series of questions .

  17. 新闻图片是新闻的一个重要内容,同时又在新闻学研究中占据独特的地位。

    The news photograph is an important content of the news report and occupies a unique position in the studies of Journalism .

  18. 希望可以对都市报新闻图片处理有一定的启示。

    At the end , we hope that the paper will give some inspiration to how to use picture in metropolis papers .

  19. 充分理解新闻图片的这些特性,是搞好新闻图片制作与传播工作的前提。

    The full understanding of the characteristics of news photographs is the premise of the make of news photographs and news broadcast .

  20. 新闻图片和新闻在我们的物理和精神空间里推进得越来越深,它们的所能引起的震撼效应也越来越弱。

    Eg : The sensational effect of news photographs and news is gradually on the wane as they increasingly occupy our physical and mental space .

  21. 通过对比分析,本论文在最后提出了新闻图片专版发展所需努力的方向和建议。

    Based on the comparison and analysis , some suggestions on further development of press photography pages are proposed in conclusion part of the thesis .

  22. 在使用新闻图片库的过程中,经常遇到图片入库前查重和查找一组相似图片等涉及图片相似性判断的操作。

    Searching a group of similar photos from the database , or checking photos repeated before putting into the database are commonly used in the news photo-database system .

  23. 第四章主要在多模态语篇分析框架下对所选语料进行视觉语法分析,以此来揭露新闻图片的意义生成方式。

    In Chapter Four , case studies are done with visual grammar under the framework of multimodal discourse analysis to disclose the way of meaning-making in news images .

  24. 试从报道内容、报道策略、新闻图片的角度对“抗震救灾特刊”进行分析,并对该特刊的报道特点作出总结。

    This paper analyses " feature of earthquake relief work " in the light of report content , report strategy and news pictures and generalizes the characteristics of features .

  25. 实验表明该算法可以达到预期的目的,可以满足对新闻图片的认证、医疗图像数字化、网上交易、传输等商业需求的基本需要。

    Experiment has indicated that the algorithm can gain its ends and can be used for authentication of news photos 、 medical digital photos 、 network business and transmission application .

  26. 之后,先后在路透社任助理编辑、摄影记者、新闻图片副主编、首席摄影记者,工作地点包括香港、伦敦、新加坡、北京等代表处。

    He subsequently worked for Reuters as sub-editor , photographer , deputy news pictures editor and chief photographer at different bureaux including Hong Kong , London , Singapore and Beijing .

  27. 然而,在《内蒙古日报》(蒙文版)的研究史上关于新闻图片的研究却是一个薄弱点。

    However , in the history of the studies on the Inner Mongolia Daily ( Mongolian version ), there was actually no research done on the subject of news photograph .

  28. 基于以上前提,本调查报告从新华社图片稿件采用的一般标准谈起,引出新闻图片采访和拍摄中的诸多问题。

    Based on the above premise , the investigation report from the general criteria used by the Xinhua News Agency Image manuscript , leads to news photos interviews and shooting many problems .

  29. 随着读图时代的概念深入人心,新华社体育新闻图片报道的影响力在国际上也逐渐增大。

    With the concept of " the Era of Picture " more and more popular , the influence of Xinhua News Agency in sports news and photography reportage has gradually become international .

  30. 提出了一种全面揭示静止图像被篡改信息的敏感数字水印算法,可用于鉴定法庭证据、保险单、新闻图片等的可靠性。

    We specifically propose a fragile watermarking algorithm for complete tamper proofing of a still image , which can be applied to authenticate courtroom evidence , insurance claims , and journalistic photography .