
  • 网络Journalistic Ethics;journalism ethics
  1. 首先,从理论上界定何为新闻伦理与新闻道德,并分析了新闻传播行为的道德选择与评价以及中美新闻伦理的历史发展。

    It includes three parts : Firstly , distinguish what is journalism ethics and what is moral rules and analyze the moral choices 、 values in news communication and history of journalism ethics both in China and America .

  2. 道德内化图式是主体接受、过滤、筛选外部客观道德信息刺激的工具。新闻道德结构要素及主客体关系模式分析

    Moral internalization scheme is a tool the subject uses to process the moral in formational stimuli . Structural Elements of Journalistic Ethics and an Pattern Analysis of the Relationship between the Subject and Object

  3. 试析新闻道德规范中的三个道德难题

    An Analysis of Three Moral Dilemmas in News Mora ' Codes

  4. 新闻道德主要指新闻从业人员的职业道德。

    News morality mainly refers to the journalists ' professional ethics .

  5. 新闻道德建设现状探析

    The Research into Present Situation of Construction on News Morality

  6. 新闻道德失范是当前我国新闻媒体面临的一个重大问题。

    The press corruption is an important problem which our news media are being faced with .

  7. 新闻道德建设是中美两国发展新闻事业的战略内容;

    The common ideas that the two countries share in developing news institutions are attention to the construction of journalistic ethics ;

  8. 近十年来国内6次媒介调查结果显示,新闻道德失范的危害性极大,经由自律路径根治新闻道德失范几乎不可能。

    Six finding reports to media show that harmfulness of the press of corruption can not almost be wiped out by moral way .

  9. 论文共分为四章。在前两章里,笔者就网络新闻道德失范问题进行了研究:第一章对网络新闻道德失范现象类型进行了归纳,并指出了其危害;

    The thesis consists of four chapters , In the first two chapters , I research on the problem of moral deterioration of the network journalism .

  10. 在中美典型的新闻道德现象中,一类是容易做出善与恶的道德评价且是非比较明确的行为,比如有偿新闻、隐私新闻等。

    During the typical moral phenomenon about journalism , some is easy to distinct good and evil and what right and wrong is clear , such as news of reward and news of privacy .

  11. 从建设途径上来看,中国的新闻道德建设以外部建设为主,美国的新闻道德建设则在长期的探索中开拓出了一条内外兼顾的道路。

    In the process , the outside builds is the main way in the construction of the journalistic ethics of China , they found out the road given consideration to inside and outside in the U.S.A.

  12. 电视新闻道德冲突的原因,既有社会矛盾反映在媒体传播的过程中的外因,又有新闻事业自身发展遇到矛盾和冲突的内因。

    Both the external causes of the social conflicts which is reflected in mass media communication and the internal causes of the contradictions and conflicts in the progress of news career result in the TV news ' moral conflict .

  13. 中国和美国的新闻道德建设在世界上都具有一定的代表性,代表着不同性质和经济发展水平的国家新闻道德建设的水平和特点。

    The creation of journalistic ethics of China and the United States America ( U.S.A ) both have certain representational in the world , represent level and characteristic that the country of different nature and economic development level building the journalistic ethics .

  14. 新闻道德(主要是指新闻事业的职业道德),既是新闻媒体始终符合社会进步的保证,也是新闻活动总体遵循文明进程的前提。

    News morality , which generally means the professional ethics in news undertakings , is not only the assurance that the news media constantly accord with the social progress , but also the prerequisite that the news activities totally follow the civilization process .

  15. 从道德分层理论、道德与法律关系、道德的现实境遇以及新闻道德本身的特性分析,新闻底线道德的法律运作是必要的,也是可能的。

    Legalization of the press basic morality is necessary , and it is possible too , by analyzing the theory of moral classification , the relation between morality and law , the present situation of morality , the peculiarity of the press morality .

  16. 第三章是网络新闻道德的宏观建设,目标主要是建立一个网络新闻道德规范体系;第四章是网络新闻道德的微观建设,旨在提出网络新闻道德建设的具体措施。

    The third chapter deals with the macro-construction of the network journalism moral , aiming to establish a system of network journalism moral , while the fourth one concerns the micro-construction , aiming to put forward the concrete measures of the construction of network journalism .

  17. 论我国现阶段新闻职业道德建设

    A Study on Construction of Current Press Ethics in China

  18. 新闻职业道德在我国经历了一个漫长的发展过程。

    The professional morality in journalism has experienced a lengthy developing process .

  19. 也许在她看来新闻业道德更重要。

    Maybe ethical journalism was worth the price for her .

  20. 自律:新闻职业道德建设的根本途径

    Self-discipline : The Basic Way to Construct Professional Morality of the Press

  21. 因此,加强新闻职业道德建设已是新闻界有识之士的共识和当务之急。

    So the urgent affairs strengthen the construction of news professional morality .

  22. 第四部分,新闻职业道德弱化原因剖析。

    The fourth part is analysis of lacking of news professional morality .

  23. 新闻职业道德敏感性特点及其与移情关系的研究

    Professional Moral Sensitivity Character in News Reporting and the Relationship with Empathy

  24. 试论新闻媒体道德体系的建构

    A Discussion of Morality System Construction of News Media

  25. 第五部分,新闻职业道德建设对策研究。

    The fifth part is countermeasure of the construction of news professional morality .

  26. 加强新闻职业道德教育:呼唤与对策

    Strengthening Education in Journalistic Ethics : Requests and Countermeasures

  27. 探析改革开放后我国新闻职业道德建设的历史轨迹

    The Constructing Process of the Journalism Professional Morality since the Open-door Policy Was Practiced

  28. 研究新闻职业道德失范应该突破这些局限,有所创新。

    So research on the press professional ethics anomie should break the limitation to make innovations .

  29. 第二部分主要论述了新闻传媒道德的基本功能及其应遵循的一些基本原则。

    The second part mainly argues some basic functions and some basic principles of the morality of news media .

  30. 因此,新闻职业道德的建设不得不引起社会和职业自身的高度重视。

    Therefore , the construction of journalistic ethics to their own social and occupational caused a high degree of attention .