
  • 网络Beijing apm
  1. 位于王府井教堂旁,与东方新天地、新东安市场等国际购物广场比邻而居;

    Beside Wangfujing Church , surrounded by many famous international shopping centers , such as the Oriental Plaza and Beijing APM ;

  2. 但紧挨着新东安市场,就有一座天主教堂。它始建于1655年,历史上曾两次毁于大火。

    Yet , next to the market is a Catholic church , first built in 1655 and burnt down twice in the past .

  3. 弧形管道在新东安市场生活、消防泵房中的应用中华世纪坛地下室弧形外墙模板设计与施工

    Application of Arc Pipe in the Pumping Houses of Drinking and Fire Water Systems in New The Design and Construction on the Formwork of the Arc External Wall of the Chinese Century Altar Basement