
  • 网络Lamb hot pot
  1. 蒙古的羊肉火锅是第一种的火锅,但绝不是最后一种!

    Mongolian lamb hot pot was the first style , but not the last !

  2. 出名的民族菜肴包括烧牛肉、羊肉火锅以及烤肉串。

    Famous ethnic dishes include roast beef , sliced mutton hot pot and shashliks .

  3. 我喜欢羊肉火锅。

    I like mutton in a hot pot .

  4. 围桌中餐,火山羊肉火锅,观黎族歌舞表演,十人一桌;

    Lunch , 10 people share a table , lamb hot pots , Li nationality style singing & dancing show .

  5. 可供选择的美味火锅有内蒙古特色火锅——最有名的是羔羊肉和羊肉火锅,以及辛辣的四川火锅。

    Its excellent selections range from Mongolian specialties - best known for lamb and mutton dishes - and spicy Szechuan .

  6. 北方风味的菜肴有北京烤鸭、烧鸡、羊肉火锅、醋烟鱼片、青椒牛肉以及干贝萝卜丸子。

    Northern style dishes include Peking duck , smoked chicken , chafing dish with sliced Iamb , fried fish slices in sauce , beef with green pepper , and dried scallops with Chinese white radish balls .

  7. 今天我想推荐羊肉火锅,这是典型的川菜。把所有的菜放在炖锅里,加上水,用文火慢慢炖至浅棕色。

    I want to recommend mutton hot pot today . It is a typical Sichuan dish . Put all those into a stewpan , with some water , and draw them down to a right brown colour .

  8. 涮羊肉用切得很薄的羊肉片放在火锅里的开水中煮熟。这种火锅用木炭作燃料。

    The Mongolian Hotpot uses thinly sliced lamb and is done in boiling water contained in a copper hotpot which uses charcoal as firewood .