
  1. 本文研究了新时期蒙古文游记的分类及写作特征。

    This article is about the classification and writing characteristics of the travel notes about Mongolian in the new era .

  2. 然后根据新时期蒙古文游记的题材和体裁将其分类,并逐一分析了不同种类的游记。

    Then according to the subject and genre , classifies the travel notes about Mongolian in the new period . And analyzes different kinds of travel notes .

  3. 第二章,主要着眼于新时期蒙古文游记的写作特征,并从表达方式,构思及语言等三个方面力图说明新时期蒙古文游记的写作特征。

    The second chapter focuses on the writing characteristics of the travel notes about Mongolian in the new era . And outlines the travel notes about Mongolian in the new period from three aspects , which are the way of expression , composition and language .

  4. 本文建议今后应将其与吴并列为《西游记》之作者,并可在陕新辟《西游记》旅游线路。

    In this respect , " Tourist Route of Journey to the West " could be launched in Shanxi .