
  • 网络presentation drawing
  1. 整个设计过程在四维表现图、两参数变化的根轨迹和Bode图的可视化条件下进行,便于把握多目标函数的变化趋势,进而综合考虑各方面的因素来确定最优解。

    Visualization of 4-D graphs , root locus with two variables and Bode graphs help grasp the change tendency of two objectives easily and get the comprehensive information to determine the optimum solution .

  2. 计算机辅助设计在绘制园林表现图中的应用

    Application of Computer Aided Design in Drawing Landscape Garden Perspectives

  3. 让学生熟悉设计中建筑表现图之应用。

    Familiarize students with the design of the application of building performance chart .

  4. 浅谈计算机园林表现图的绘制

    Computer Plotting of Effect Drawing of Park and Garden

  5. 建筑画与工程表现图的创作

    On Creation of Architects ' Paintings and Architectural Drawings

  6. 室内设计表现图技法。

    Rendering techniques for interior design ii .

  7. 建筑表现图中的人物

    Figures in Architectural Expression Pictures

  8. 建筑表现图的色彩

    Colour of Architectural Expressive Graphs

  9. 阐述了园林表现图制作与流行的建筑表现图的制作异同;

    The characteristics of park and garden effect drawing , and prevailing effect drawing of construction were differentiated .

  10. 各种表现图之间仅有工具的不同,艺术规律都是相通的。

    For all kinds of perspective , the difference just embodies in medium-the law of art is the same .

  11. 一张张数码表现图成为室内设计项目的必备内容之一,和设计资料放在一起相得益彰。

    Every digital presentation has become necessary elements in interior design projects , complementing each other with design data .

  12. 建筑表现图在注重科学性的前提下,要以美的色彩形象增强建筑设计方案的竞争力。

    Under the premise of strengthening science , the architectural expressive graphs use the beautiful colour character to highlight the competition of architectural design .

  13. 建筑效果图为由计算机建模渲染而成的建筑设计表现图,可以逼真地模拟建筑及其设计建成后的效果。

    Building by computer modeling and rendering render the architectural design of figure into performance , can be realistic models and the design of the building after completion of the effect .

  14. 外双方在合作设计后期,中、外双方共同负责与本方案设计有关的表现图制作、展示板及商务文件等的包装配合工作及制作现场的人员跟踪。

    At the later phase of the design work , both parties should continue the packaging work , such as photographs , presentation board and files , and also the follow-up on the site .

  15. 根据电脑建筑表现图制作中积累的一些经验,介绍了建模、渲染、后期处理各个阶段的一些制作技巧。

    According to some experiences accumulated in the course of making the computer-based architectural expression chart , this paper introduces some skills of each phase of the drafting such as the model building , exaggerating and post-treating .

  16. 本文首先阐明了室内表现图是与专业设计紧密结合的一门绘画技法,并强调室内表现图在室内设计方案以及方案在市场竞争中的重要性。

    This article is on Internal Expression Drawing . First , it is a drawing technique which is high related to subject design . And , it is important in Internal subject Design and in the design competion .

  17. PWI表现:rHBV图上肿瘤实质区呈高灌注区;时间-信号强度曲线上,肿瘤区信号强度呈速降速升型,瘤周正常肝实质信号强度随时间缓慢下降。

    PWI performance : the tumor parenchyma showed high perfusion on the relative hepatic blood volume ( rHBV ) map . Time-signal intensity curve of the tumor area was rapid downhill and ascending type , while the curve of normal liver parenchyma showed decline slowly over time .

  18. 方法对7例阴道斜隔患者的临床表现、声像图特点及术中所见进行分析,从中找出声像图特征。

    Methods The clinical signs of the oblique vaginal septum in 7 patients and the characteristics on sonograms were analyzed .

  19. 20美国革命的历史意义历史的进程是如此错综复杂,人类行为的动机是如此令人费解,以至于想把那些时间跨度大,涉及人数多,空间范围广的事件描述成为一个智者或一场社会运动的表现的企图是危险的。

    The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actions so complex that it is always hazardous to attempt to represent events covering a number of years , a multiplicity of persons , and distant localities as the expression of one intellectual or social movement ;

  20. 表现人眼的剖面图

    a diagram representing a cross section of the human eye

  21. 不同类型肿瘤的CBF、CBV、MTT及PS值不尽相同,灌注伪彩图表现不同;PS图能清晰显示脑肿瘤的实质部分及微血管通透性。

    The values of CBF , CBV , MTT , PS were different in different tumor and PS images could clearly display essential part of brain tumors and capillary permeability .

  22. 1137例急性心肌梗死患者临床表现及超声心动图特点

    Clinical and Echocardiographic Characteristics in 1137 Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

  23. 程序设计表现新方法&N-S-Z图技术

    A New Method for Program Design Representation & N-S-Z Diagram

  24. 在图面表现方面,各图类具有不同的整合资讯,并具体呈现设计内容与提供感知上判断的功能。

    Each category of drawings delivers specific information and presents design contents ; and it helps designers to make judgments .

  25. 方法:回顾性分析26例老年化脓性胆囊炎及12例厚壁型胆囊癌的临床表现及超声声像图特征。

    Methods The clinical data and the ultrasonic imaging characteristics of26 cases with acute cholecystitis in the elder and12 cases with wall-thickened gallbladder carcinoma were reviewed .

  26. 庄家的操盘手法表现在分时图的价格走势上,这就给投资者判断庄家意图创造了机会。

    The operation gimmick of the banker reflected on the time sharing chart , which creates the opportunity for retail investors to judge the bankers ' intentions .

  27. 方法回顾性分析66例以急性冠状动脉综合征入院患者的临床表现,超声心动图、心肌酶及肌钙蛋白、血气分析、D-二聚体、X线胸片及冠状动脉造影等临床资料。

    Methods Clinical data of 66 cases admitted because of ACS , including clinical manifestation , echocardiogram , cardiac enzyme , troponin , blood gas analysis , D-dimer , x-ray and angiography were retrospectively analyzed .

  28. 然而作为室内设计重要表达方式的数码图像表现设计,不仅是把平面图纸程式化的转变为三维表现图,更应该是表达设计内涵,弥补工程图纸不能表达的设计思想和空间氛围的重要手段。

    However , digital graphic design , as an important expression way of interior design , not only transforms the plane drawing into a three-dimensional graph , but also expresses the design content , make up for the design thinking and space atmosphere that engineering drawings cannot express .

  29. 设计表现形式是多样的,作为设计师在设计过程中进行研究的过程记录,它可以是用手绘表现图或计算机方式绘制的表现图,可以是立体的模型,也可以是三维动画的模拟演示。

    It has various kinds of manifestation , either in the way of hand-draw sketch or computer-based presentation drawing or in the way of solid model or mock demonstration of three-dimensional cartoon .