
  1. 童伟是新发地批发市场新闻发言人。

    Tong Wei is the spokesman for Xinfadi wholesale market .

  2. 新发地有强大的客户群,为商户提供了良好的经营环境和交易平台。

    The Xinfadi Market , with many regular customers , provides a sound trading environment .

  3. 检测结果提示,新发地克病患者出现的原因,可能仍为碘供给量不足。

    The data obtained suggested that the possible etiology of the new cases be still iodine deficiency .

  4. 由于6月时出现疫情复发,新发地批发市场暂时关闭。

    The Xinfadi wholesale market was temporarily due to a resurgence of the COVID-19 outbreak in June .

  5. 今年9月,蔬菜批发区重新开业,标志着新发地市场全面恢复营业。

    The vegetable wholesale area reopened in September , marking the full resumption of business at the market .

  6. 北京最大的批发市场、新发地农产品批发市场的批发商数量昨天减少了30%。

    The number of wholesalers in Xinfadi Agro Wholesale Market , the largest in Beijing , decreased by30 percent yesterday .

  7. 在中国多地区出现与进口冷冻产品相关的感染病例后,新发地批发市场作出上述声明。

    The Xinfadi wholesale market made the announcement following reports of infections related to imported frozen products in several parts of China .

  8. 自6月11日到昨天,北京共发现335例本土传播病例,几乎所有病例都与新发地市场有关。

    The Chinese capital detected 335 domestically transmitted cases from June 11 to yesterday , nearly all connected to the Xinfadi market .

  9. 北京新发地批发市场猪肉商称,今年的猪肉价格增加了30%。

    Pork sellers at the large Xinfadi wholesale market in the capital say the price of pork has risen 30 percent this year .

  10. 上个月猪肉的价格比一年前贵了50%,这表明非洲猪瘟疫情正在造成损失。张君华是北京新发地批发市场部经理。

    Pork was 50 percent more expensive last month than it was a year ago , indicating that the African swine fever epidemic is Zhang Junhua is a manager at Beijing 's Xinfadi wholesale market .