
  • 网络Map of Beijing
  1. 学友的手里正拿着北京地图呢。

    Xueyou 's hand is holding a map of beijing .

  2. 玲玲,给我看看北京地图。

    Sally ; So show me your map of Beijing , Lingling .

  3. 那是一幅简单的北京地图.从地图上我们可以看到,北京西部有许多高等学府,那就是中国有名的硅谷,

    It 's just a simple map of Beijing.As we can see from it , there are a large number of colleges and universities in western part of Beijing , an area known as the Silicon Valley of China .

  4. 北京历史地图的数字化

    The Digital Map of Beijing History

  5. 设计图案包括地铁票、北京地铁地图、小学课本有趣的设计等等。

    The symbols include subway tickets , maps of the Beijing subway , the interesting designs of primary school texts etc.

  6. 国家测绘局科学研究所地名研究室,1983.中国地名录-中华人民共和国地图集地名索引。北京:地图出版社。

    Toponym group of national topographical bureau , 1983.toponym collections of china-toponym indexes of China maps of prc . beijing : map press .

  7. 北京市基础地图数据字典的研制

    Research on Basic Map Dictionary of Beijing

  8. 提出一种为车辆导航系统生成具有拓扑结构道路网络的方法,并以北京市部分地图为例,通过实施路径规划算法验证了其有效性

    A method of creating road network with topological structure for vehicle navigation system is presented Taking a part of Beijing map as example , its validity is verified by implementing a route planning algorithm

  9. 目前,该SDK已应用于北京邮电大学校园地图服务系统的开发工作中。

    At present , this SDK has been applied in the campus map service system of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications .

  10. 而与此同时,为安置进京的国家机关与军事、文化单位在北京兴建的大院群落,则重新分割了北京城市地图,隐隐构成国家空间与城市空间的对峙与隔膜。

    Meanwhile , Compound communities , which is constructed for settle down government offices , military branches or culture units , redistricted Beijing city map , and formed faint confrontation and barrier between national space and urban space .

  11. 教学场地的选择和对教学过程的控制是北京市高校定向运动教学开展的难点,北京市高校定向地图的制作也还处于起步阶段。

    The most difficult in the orienteering teaching are teaching place selection and teaching course control . Map design is still in the primary stage . 3 .