
  • 网络chain drugstores;chain pharmacy
  1. 经济全球化背景下我国连锁药店的发展趋势探讨

    Discussion on Developmental Tendency of Chain Drugstores in China against the Background of Economic Globalization

  2. 结果:目前我国连锁药店多元化经营操作存在一些问题。

    RESULTS : Some problems were noted in the diversified operation of Chinese chain drugstores .

  3. 实施GSP提升医药连锁药店的核心竞争力

    Implement GSP to Enhance Chain Drug Stores'Core Competitiveness

  4. 我们的调查批漏了纽约州两家最大的连锁药店的恶行,分别是CVS和RiteAid。

    Our probe has uncovered an egregious pattern at two of the largest chains in our state , CVS and Rite Aid .

  5. 公司的目标是扩展到25000家药店,包括CVS等大型连锁药店。

    The goal is to get them into 25,000 stores , including such major chains as CVS ( CVS ) .

  6. 靴公司PLC的称为靴靴和财政品牌的化学家,是主要的连锁药店在英国,店铺在大多数高街道在全国各地。

    The Boots Company PLC known as Boots and financially branded Boots The Chemists , is the dominant pharmacy chain in the United Kingdom , with outlets in most high streets throughout the country .

  7. 它将药品直接分发给大型零售药店,同时通过分发商SpeedyDistributorsCo.将药品分发给小的零售连锁药店和独立的药店。

    They ship their products directly to large retail pharmacies but use a distributor , Speedy Distributors Co. , to ship to smaller retail pharmacy chains and independent pharmacies .

  8. CVS及Walgreens连锁药店均表示,他们将为还没有获得保险的民众年代帮助。

    CVS and Walgreens Pharmacies have already said they will help those who have not yet received ID cards .

  9. 与沃尔玛、eBay、达乐公司(DollarGeneral)和CVS连锁药店合作的TriadRetailMedia公司声称,通过帮助零售商把品牌广告整合到它们的网站,它已经成为全球首屈一指的零售商货币化机构。

    Triad Retail Media , which works with Wal-Mart , eBay , Dollar General and CVS , claims it is the # 1 retailer monetization agency in the world , by helping retailers integrate brand advertising into their sites .

  10. 与沃尔玛、eBay、达乐公司(DollarGeneral)和CVS连锁药店合作的TriadRetailMedia公司声称,通过帮助零售商把品牌广告整合到它们的网站,它已经成为全球首屈一指的“零售商货币化机构”。

    Triad Retail Media , which works with Wal-Mart , eBay , Dollar General and CVS , claims it is the \# 1 " retailer monetization agency " in the world , by helping retailers integrate brand advertising into their sites .

  11. 该试验采用了心理学和经济学部门在近几十年来建立起来的人类决策理论,并将其应用于美国最大的连锁药店CVSCaremark公司的员工及其朋友或亲戚。合计参与人数超过了2500人。

    It used theories about human decision making that have been developed in psychology and economics departments over several decades and put them into practice with more than 2500 people who either worked at CVS Caremark , the country 's largest drugstore chain by sales , or were friends or relatives of those employees .

  12. 连锁药店实施品类管理研究

    The Study of the Category Management in the Drug Chain Store

  13. 医院如何应对连锁药店的低价竞争

    Hospital How to Coping with the Low Price Competition of Drugstore

  14. 连锁药店竞争将会加剧;

    The competition between the drugstore chain will to be more violent ;

  15. 连锁药店发展趋势具有新的变化。

    Change the way of the drugstore chain developing .

  16. 连锁药店计算机网络安全管理的误区

    On Computer Network Security Management Errors of Chain Pharmacies

  17. 目的:为连锁药店的差异化发展提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE : To provide references for the diversified development of chain drugstore .

  18. 连锁药店应对药品价格竞争的策略探讨

    Discussion on the Strategy of Chain Drug stores in Replying to Drug Price War

  19. 基于分布式数据库与C/S的连锁药店管理系统设计与实现

    Design and Application of Chain Drugstore MIS Based on DDB and C / S

  20. 有些连锁药店企业具有了一定的规模、品牌和基础;

    Some drugstore chain have had the scale , the brand and the developed foundation ;

  21. 目的:为连锁药店计算机网络安全管理提供借鉴。

    OBJECTIVE : To provide references for the computer network security management of chain pharmacies .

  22. 服务创新是连锁药店生命力的源泉

    Service Innovation to Improve Chain Pharmacy

  23. 上海市连锁药店分布与医疗机构分布的关联分析

    Analysis of the Relevance between the Distribution of Chain Drug Stores and Hospitals Institutions in Shanghai

  24. 目的:构建一种适合我国国情的零售连锁药店服务质量评价模型。

    OBJECTIVE : To construct retail chain pharmacy service quality evaluation model suitable for our country .

  25. 研究结果对同类企业尤其是上海地区的零售连锁药店具有一定的借鉴作用。

    It may has some implications on similar enterprises especially retail chain drugstore in Shanghai area .

  26. 浅析连锁药店差异化发展

    Diversified Development of Chain Drugstore

  27. 目的:为连锁药店应对药品价格竞争提供参考思路。

    OBJECTIVE : To provide the ideas about how the chain drugstores to reply to drug price war .

  28. 目的:为我国连锁药店制订多元化经营发展策略提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE : To provide references for Chinese chain drugstores in formulating developmental strategy of di ˉ versified operation .

  29. 结论:该评价模型可为零售连锁药店改进服务水平提供指导。

    CONCLUSION : This evaluation model serves as guidance for the improvement of service level of retail chain pharmacy .

  30. 连锁药店竞争将会加剧;连锁药店发展趋势具有新的变化。

    The competition between the drugstore chain will to be more violent ; the way of the drugstore chain developing .