
  • 网络chain polymerization;chain reaction polymerization
  1. 它由八个模块组成,即绪论、自由基聚合、自由基共聚合、离子聚合反应、配位聚合反应、连锁聚合实施方法、逐步聚合反应、聚合物的化学反应。

    It is made up of such eight modules as an introduction , radical polymerization , radical co-polymerization , ionic polymerization , coordination polymerization , the preparation method of chain polymerization , step reaction polymerization and chemical reaction of polymers .

  2. 正如在本文开始所概括的,RSS减轻了连锁和聚合内容方面的很多负担。

    As outlined in the beginning of this article , RSS alleviates many concerns with syndicating and aggregating content .

  3. 正如之前提到的,RSS有两个部分:连锁和提要聚合。

    As already mentioned , RSS has two parts : syndication and feed aggregation .