
  1. 在接受《连线》杂志采访时,林诣彬回忆道,当时,每个制作团队都象征性地让白人和少数族裔合作。

    As Lin recalled to Wired , every production team back then tried to pair white people with token minorities .

  2. 在接受《连线》杂志采访时,卢茨说:“我真的很喜欢所有这些数据都是可访问的,但可视化很难真的。这真的是了不起的科学,我希望每个人都能以一种有意义的方式来看待它。”

    In an interview with Wired , Lutz said , " I really like that all this data is accessible , but it 's very difficult to visualize . It 's really awesome science , and I wanted everyone to be able to see it in a way that makes sense . "

  3. 《财富》杂志在《连线》(Wired)杂志于纽约举办的连线商业大会上采访了普莱斯,请他解答如何才能生产出好的电视节目,以及亚马逊为何要拍摄自己的电视剧。

    Fortune spoke with Price on May 13 at Wired 's BizCon in New York about how to make good TV and why it makes sense for Amazon .